Chapter 57 - Assistance From an Unexpected Adversary.

I had managed to hit both of them, while at the same time an incredible feat that would be overshadowed by multiple accomplishments in the future.

The centipedes hissed in pain as they flailed and coiled over the ground.

Frustration hit both of them making them attack me in a blinding rage, I had set the pace!

Having gained the upper hand now was not the time to get carried away.

I took my time as they started a relentless barrage of stings and bites one attacking me one after the other. Each time they closed in I dodged the attack barely scorching their heavy armor with just the tiniest of bits…

This wasn't very effective against them… It almost felt like their armor was impenetrable in a sense. I had to try a different approach. But before I could think of something the both of them started to catch up to me again.

I tried to deflect one of them slamming them with my flame-coated tail, natural this didn't do much… Luckily for me it did scare him off for a moment. Allowing me to anticipate the incoming attack of the other centipede.

The centipede struck lightning-fast, unable to deflect all its stings I got stuck in one of my arms which had a paralyzing effect rendering the muscle receptors in my arm useless.

Now, with only one arm, a tail, and my elemental magic left, a hurt friend behind me,

and two rapidly approaching enemies this battle started to feel grim…

Now that I had achieved a new goal, not to mention finally made a friend in this harsh wasteland of a world… Would I come to my end like this? No! I wouldn't allow it…

Simply not today! Or ever for that matter! But what was I to do if they teamed up again?

At this time one of the centipedes coiled itself around my legs up to my lower body and began to constrict my movements. Unable to move I tried clawing away at its armor plating, but was unable to do anything in regards to breaking free… This was it… I wasn't able to fight back anymore? Desperately I pushed fireballs in both their faces keeping one of them at bay while hoping that the other would let go… But, to no avail…

Instead, the centipede tightened its grip on me, making it even harder to anticipate incoming attacks. Was this the end? Like I had experienced many times before?

Was there really nothing else I could do? At that moment the centipede pulled my legs away from under me as we both crashed to the ground… There was nothing more I could do… Nothing which would save my life.

Moments after the crash when I thought my adventure had come to an end I suddenly heard a voice in my head.

"Is this how you want to end it all? I thought more highly of you…

As thanks for calming me down, I will assist you in this fight, young one…"

I felt that the centipede which had a tight grip on me had suddenly let go…

I opened my eyes to see that it had regrouped with its counterpart now that another adversary had joined the fray.

"The Black Terror!"

It had come back to aid me? No Way?! I had never expected this in a million years!

Seeing the beast its savagery in action truly wasn't a sight for the weak. Ripping off chunks of their armor as it went and brutally crashed their backs against the rocks around the area.

The centipedes had to team up on it, allowing me to stand up once more.

I too had to join the fray. I couldn't let yet another one be sacrificed for my survival…

The Black Terror truly was a whirlwind of fur, it was amazing to see actually. Was I lucky that it had joined my sight, at least for now…

"Look who's decided to join the fight, Let's each take one young one, that way we should be able to win. As a sign of our alliance, let me present you with something unique."

The Black Terror slammed its claws together and moved them straight onto the ground with such force that cracks started to form in the ground. Granted it didn't split the earth in two, but for a creature of its size, this was truly an amazing feat. But it didn't just stop there as spikes of hardened minerals grew out of the ground, piercing the centipede's plated armor who was still recovering from the crash.

Suddenly a window popped up reminding me once again that this could very well have been a game.

[The Black Terror has demonstrated Would you like to learn the demonstrated skill at its earliest stage?] [YES] / [NO]

If I understand this correctly it will allow me to learn the basic version of this skill?

Isn't this a major feat?! Holy Shit! [YES] I would like to learn this very much.

[Understood, has been unlocked is now added to your roster of skills. Please enjoy your experiences throughout your journey in this world. Due to the unlocking of this skill you have acquired some skill points.]

[Due to a certain action has been unlocked, allowing you to learn skills as you observe how they work and are executed. Due to the unlocking of this skill you have acquired some skill points.]

I couldn't believe what I had been given The Black Terror has given me this?! But why?!

"Allowing to learn on the fly, is what truly helps us adapt to the dangers ahead in time.

I allowed you to learn both these skills as thanks for showing me there is more than savagery in this world. Not that I'll stop being savage if the situation calls for it of course. Hahaha."

"With my newly acquired skills in hand and a trusty ally at my side, nothing could stop us.

At least, nothing around the same strength level as ours. Those five kings would be an insane challenge which is a goal I have to grow towards in the future. But for now…

Let the battle continue!"

With some assessment of the situation, I continued the battle at hand.

The Black Terror, which I will be calling Blacky from now on although he/she doesn't know it yet is busy fighting one of the centipedes, but where is the other? As I looked around an apparition rushed towards me, it was the other centipede that had broken free from the iron grip of Blacky. It was time to test how effective my new skills could be…

Anticipating the incoming enemy I prepared the sign movements I had seen Blacky perform before its skill got initiated. Slamming my hands together, quick and firmly followed by slamming them onto the ground.

Like with Blacky the ground began to rumble, creating cracks in the ground.

Within the openings, rocks fell down and what seemed like spikes grew out of them.

Instantly rushing towards the centipede in front of me. What happened next felt like it came straight out of an anime.

The spikes pierced the armor of the centipede, breaking off its impenetrable armor, creating a soft spot on which I could continuously focus my attacks. But what made it truly look like an anime to me was the fact that Blacky jumped over the centipede while it got pierced and sliced in half through the soft spot I had just created, as if we were totally in sync.

You could literally see my jaw drop to the floor as I witnessed this incredible feat,

almost like Blacky could have been the sempai I had been waiting for.

With only one centipede left we combined our strengths and easily cornered the final remaining one. To end it quickly we used the same tactics they had been using, a pincer tactic. Activating our skill at the same time the centipede got trapped within a mountain of sharp-edged rocks. With no way out Blacky allowed me to finish off the creature.

"I'll allow it, get it done!"

"Thank you for your assistance Blacky, I'll be seeing more of you."

As I took a pose jumping in the air I bombarded the centipede with one of my signature fusion skills It felt great to conjure and bombard the bastard.

The creature finally succumbed to the savage bombardment and we both came out victorious.

"Nice! I like that movie! How did you do that? And wait…

Blacky? Giving me a special name already? To be fair… I kind of like it haha."

[Due to the accumulation of enough experience has advanced to

the according to attribute points and skill points have been distributed.]

"Wow I leveled up, that's convenient. Let me check this out when I know the coast is clear and everything is safe. But first, we have to check my buddy. The big fluffy ferret to who I also ow my life, just like you Blacky."

"Let's check its condition, I probably didn't kill it, did I? Also I'm a she in case you were wondering."

"Probably?! You Probably didn't kill it? And wait… Then you must be the mother of those babies?! But Where is the father?"