Chapter 60 - The Origin of the Creatures

I was right, it were the same eyes I had stared into when I first met them in the cave higher up in the dungeon. Truthfully I didn't know for sure if this environment was still part of the same dungeon… Or if I had been the unlucky subject of experimentation.

Either way, here we were again… Face to face with those creatures of the night who came rushing at me with numbers to high to even count… Then again, something was different this time around. This time… They were no leaves with huge eyes, no… Rather they were closer to that of leeches! Truth be told, this was actually more horrifying than the first encounter. This time around though, there was no way out, at least, not if I wanted to protect my new found friends.

I know this world was all about the survival of the fittest, but something inside me kept telling me I couldn't just abandon them… Not after they had given everything to protect me and what was precious to them as well. The wall was burning strong and bright into the darkness of the night.

The horrifying creatures on the other side couldn't get through the wall and looked for other ways past it, maybe around, flying over it, or, if possible even going under it all together.

I didn't know what to expect so I steeled my resolve and prepared for the worst.

Caught in a dilemma, wanting to protect my own life, yet knowing I couldn't just abandon those who went out of their way to help me. I decided to burry them into the ground all together as extra protection against the creatures of the night. Knowing they had their attention fixated on me this whole time.

Knowing I was now going to face these creatures alone, I had to find a way. A way to Fight back, hopefully reason with them or for that matter even find out what they were…

At the same time… Was there really a way to reason with such horrifying creatures?

One would be crazy to try, right?

They were out for blood, seeing how they behaved like leeches and even ticks before.

Now that I think about it, could these be the same creatures? Did they learn to adept to the environment or were they a whole new breed all together?

I had to find out one way or the other and how better than to use the old trusty Skill. So as I still was blocking their path towards us with the gigantic wall of flames first I tried strengthening it by raising the ground underneath it, allowing the ground within the flames to melt, harden and crystalize, making sure I could buy some more time with it.

Activating my skill automatically focused on the wall of flames in front of me.

I knew what it consisted of dismissing the message in an instance. Then when I adjusted my focus outside of the wall a message popped up. Showing what little information the system could provide.

This window told be about the creatures that were chasing me, which I now knew were multiple mimics… It told me about leeches as I too first thought they were leeches.

So the observation skill had picked up on the creatures behind the wall.


Creature who usually tend to reside in rivers, ponds and even seas.

Leeches are a known subspecies of the wurm. With their multiple layers of teeth they attach themselves to their prey sucking out any and if given the chance all blood or essence the prey has. Once done feasting it will let go almost like a suction cub and move on to the next.

Witch Doctors believed that using these creatures would help rid the body of poisons as they suck out all "essence". Some even say they could be a delicacy…

Species: Wurm

Name: Yggdrallis Leech


Rank: III

Level: 5


HP: 240

MP: 250

SP: 117 (recovery rate 4,56 sp per second)

Physical ATK: 34 - 41

Physical DEF: 32

Magical ATK: 12,5

Magical DEF: 12,5

STR: 30 (+5)

DEX: 65 (+21)

VIT: 20 (+4)

INT: 10

WIS: 15

LUK: 5]

I didn't know what I was reading, leeches a delicacy to some?! Who could eat such gross creatures? Then again I never ate them before, but honestly didn't even want to try seeing as how slippery they were…

Having thought I had gained most or all information suddenly another window popped up, showing me shocking information, more detailed then I could have ever imagined, no images, but just so much vivid detail as a whole…

[Creatures of the Night; "Shadow Mimic"

These beings of night and shadows exist almost everywhere indefinably usually small creatures whom take over their unsuspected host as they slip in their shadow.

Allowing to high jack their minds and learn from their experiences, these creatures are not to be take lightly.

As they lay in wait, lurking in the shadows, they try to lure their unknowing prey ever closer.

Up till the moment where they are able to strike and devour their very essence.

In ancient text these creatures are known to have been created by those wishing for intelligent protection of their lair and even treasures, some might even know them as the iconic "Mimic". But as not much is known about these creatures much can be learned or observed by taking their way of life into account.

The things known about these said mimics is that they are believed to have a severe weakness against light, hence why fire tends to keep them at bay.

On the other hand they have an extreme resistance towards acid and poisons alike as it is believed those who created them did so by fusing their essence with that of slimes.

contrary to popular mimics are known to usually hunt alone, some might live long enough to grow their intelligence, allowing them to command those smaller and/or younger than them. Gaining the time to develop their intelligence they can even learn to speak different languages. Again, most people who survived an mimic attack say that they were blood thirsty creatures who do anything in their power to catch their prey off guard.

While in fact the more common mimic has the intelligence to be reasoned with.

Most of the time, the mimic just want something to eat and if their prey provides them with an alternative will most likely let them go.

But be aware that they are neutral toward any who get in their way, meaning; they are not good nor evil in any way. This could also mean that the creature could change its mind and attack its prey even after it had persuaded it before.

On a side note; popular opinion states that they tend to take over inanimate objects such as wood or stone, but as research had shown they can take over anything as long as its not "alive".

Few have lived to tell the tale and even less have lived to tell or archive their true appearance.

An appearance which has been dreaded since ancient times.]

"Damn… This observation text feels like a archive of some sort… Maybe I should try to save this somewhere allowing myself to read back on this later on, thank fully I see that they are afraid and even weak to the light, which gave me the opportunity to study them in great detail. Curiously enough, they truly did not try to get past the blazing wall of flames."

Quickly I continued to read this piece of archived information hoping to find more ways to get out of this situation.

[As mentioned before the popular believe can't be further from the truth as most thought mimics would only be able to "mimic" things such as wood or stone, but instead…

They have been found to even mimic the bodies of dead creatures or even humans as they have learned to live on their life essence or blood instead of their entire bodies.

On that note, mimics have been part of the world since ancient times and were not created by those mentioned before, having them become intelligent protection systems for their lairs and treasures. That to be fair is only "One" of many different sub species of "mimic".

The one in front of you right now, was created by the corruption of spirit in the dark,

a collection of spiritual energies which have given in to the forces of nothingness clumping together to create a collective consciousness better known as the "Shadow Mimic".

Like mentioned before these mimic take the form of shadows, allowing them to freely roam around in them and attaching themselves to anything which crosses their shadow.

At the same time, this allows them to take over the bodies of their prey like a parasite making themselves the new host.

Their only known weaknesses are Light as they don't tend to move around during the day,

The light blinds their vision as it is tend to be more of heat vision. And their shadow bodies dissolve if the light becomes to strong making light their natural enemies.

Elements that create like such as Fire are effective, but beware that weak flames tend to throw larger shadows allowing the mimic to spread out more easily.

These creatures of the night will do anything to find hosts to survive the day,

if you encounter them, you better prey they will leave you be, are open for negotiations or you have a source of light with you to keep them at bay.]

I was done reading the archived information and noticed there was nothing on their stats,

thinking that was weird I looked around to try and see if there was an explanation for this…

And then it finally hit me…