Chapter 63 - The Administrators & The Gods

"Let us begin with the one you asked me about last, the question of who these gods might be? In a sense, there are a plethora of gods in this world, but before we can dive deeper into your questions I too have a question of my own."

The Guardian grinned at the both of us as if it was amused by what I had to ask…

"Okay, shoot! Let me know what you like to know in light of my questions."

The Guardian laughed loudly, glaring at the both of us with her golden glowing eyes.

"Before we continue, the question I would like to ask you "messenger" is what you know of the gods in the world you lived in before? For you see, whatever you might give me as an answer will determine if you could grasp the concept of the gods in Arganthes."

I smiled at the beast knowing it was challenging me with this question, testing my resolve and knowledge of the supernatural. I took a deep breath before diving into the answer I was about to give the guardian.

"The gods of my world were visitors from outside our world. Visitors from beyond our universe. One could call them Aliens… Extra terrestrial beings or like mentioned before just visitors from outside. To me, what has proven this point time and time again is the fact that all over the world civilizations claimed to be visited by these gods allowing them to teach us all kinds of things.

From tools, ways of life, technology or even having to survive in a fight for our lives as some loved to experiment on us as a species. Of course, each God or let's call them visitors, each visitor had its distinct abilities which at the time were seen as "other-worldly" because our ancestors couldn't fully grasp the concepts.

Within the scriptures of each religion, one could even find traces and mentions of such other-worldly visitors."

"Good… Good, having such a broad and open vision of "gods" will help you grasp what the said gods could be in this world. Like you mentioned the gods are visitors from outside of the world. But what could be different here is the fact that they always keep part of their influence on the world and vast universe around us. Take "Gaia" the goddess of this world, who is in charge of all life, good and evil. She needs to preserve the balance between these two and allows life itself to grasp the concept of what is ultimately good and evil to them.

As for other gods… well… Some just love to play tricks on others while others are so ancient that most needed to work together to keep it at bay…"

I did understand the part about Gaia and others doing whatever they want, although I could get into the concept of the last-mentioned example I failed to grasp the danger of this.

"To continue, the gods have a certain set of rules they always have to stay true to.

For example, they get their powers purely from those solely believing in them.

They can't differentiate themselves from this, as a god without believers is non-existent."

"So let me get this straight, a god is always bound by said "rules" and "believers"."

"Yes, that is correct. They might have absurdly strong powers, but nothing means anything when there is no one to believe in them. This is why they tend to always appeal to the masses. Still… There are exceptions to this rule. As there have been beings of ancient times far before the creation of the universe which is the existence of their essence as a whole."

"Is this the unstoppable force the gods had to band together against just to fight it?"

"That is correct once again, you catch on quick messenger. I see now why she has taken a liking to you."

"Wait, who?"

"Gaia of course, she is the one who summoned you here as a representative of the gods.

She is the one who blessed you with being their messenger. Not to mention, one god looking over millions of life-forms would be impossible of course. So allow me to answer the other question you had for me while we are at it."

"The gods each have several followers like yourself which they use to keep the balance in the world. Of course, each god has different plans for the world which ultimately lets these followers clash against one another.

These followers are called Administrators… Or at least there are once they are worthy enough to be called so. Those who cleared the ordeal of life, complete the journey to the top they then are allowed to choose whatever they would like, ultimately becoming an administrator which is bound on keeping the balance in the world."

"So let's see if I got this right; gods are the ones on top who fight each other for approval of their believers, Administrators are the ones directly beneath them which keep the balance of the world in check. Then… Why is it that I feel I had such an unfair start in this life?"

"That's one question too much, it has to wait until we meet again follower of Gaia."

"What do you mean, wait till we meet again?"

At that moment the shrine begins to glow and the guardian vanished.

The system pops up revealing I have unlocked a new ability, an ability that eventually would allow me to communicate with the gods.

[Due to certain requirements being met Has been unlocked.]

I couldn't believe it, the shrine has granted me the ability to communicate with those higher up at the order of the world? But… How did it work? What did I need to do?

I tried activating it, but nothing seemed to happen… Maybe… The level was just too low for it to work accurately? So many questioned still unanswered which I hoped I would have found an answer to by now.

At least I had gotten a clue, a clue why I was in this mess… And not to mention what gods and Administrators truly were in this world. What this had proven to me was the fact that everything had to start from zero. Allowing those who believed in themselves to climb higher than ever before.

But with this newfound knowledge… What was I to do about the situation ahead of us?

If I wanted to get out of this dungeon at least I knew beating the Kings and Queens was the way to go about it. Having to triumph over the apparently five areas within the dungeon would prove to be the hardest challenge yet.

A challenge that I was bound to overcome… A challenge which I had to sink my teeth into. Thankfully I wasn't alone anymore as there were those looking over me and staying by my side at a time of need.

At that moment I began to succumb to my exhaustion, I had not realized just how tiring everything that had happened up until this point was…

But nothing stayed the same when I finally woke up…

As everything was forever changed…