Chapter 65 - Climate Change

The weather slightly chanced as the altitude I resided in started to increase the higher I climbed. What once was a cool and refreshing breeze, now felt like it had the potential to freeze me. But I was not about to let the cold get to me. I had evolved in such a way that allowed air to flow between my skin and scales. Thinking there should be a multitude of options on how to use this, I began slightly summoning flames on my skin.

With the and the fact that my flames damage me less than those of others, I should be able to stay warm this way.

The flames steadily began to spread underneath my scales, this was going well so far.

I continued climbing up having the flames keep me warm throughout the process.

What I didn't know at the time was that this effectively made me a glowing target for others. Thinking I would make it without any trouble in this world would later prove to be a miscalculation on my part. I had forgotten that in the jungle there resided creatures which instead of had developed the ability to see the difference in warmth with . Surely when I thought that I had almost reached the top without much trouble I joyfully said out loud that I was happy it went this way.

Surely nature had its way with cursing those wishing for trouble even if they weren't aware of it. In my case, a recognizable slithering sound could be heard. I had been spotted… Unable to stop I had to push forwards. I felt being watched but couldn't place the feeling either when at the moment of relief a large creature launched and stretched itself towards me. The lizard was keeping itself warm in a unique way.

My senses warned me just in time, allowing me to dodge the surprise attack.

Now floating in the air, the creature had wasted its surprise attack, revealing itself to me.

A gigantic snake bigger than those in the caves had revealed itself to be the final obstacle to my goal. The top of the gigantic tree.

Having gained new abilities, this was the best of times to test them out. But I had to be sure,

not to damage the tree. So I didn't know how much of my abilities I could use.

At the same time, I had to keep the flames burning on my body or I would freeze out here…

Why was it suddenly getting so cold in comparison with the last few days?

Could it be Autumn or Winter outside of the dungeon? Then… Could it be I was born in Spring or maybe Summer? I honestly didn't know, the only thing I could do was to adapt to the environment. Having to keep this flame on at all times does eat away at my mana quickly though… Maybe I could use it for battle as well.

I remembered there being small creaks between my scales, maybe I could keep warm spreading my flames underneath my scales. But now was not the time to think about that as the flying serpent began charging at me again. Like before, there was no time to slow down and observe its attacking pattern, the best course of action would be to find the higher ground or at least a way to get a clear view, which I was already planning on finding.

Within moments I had reached the top, the flying serpent rushing towards me baring its fangs. With the flames keeping my muscles from gaining any fatigue I was able to jump away just in time, making the flying serpent crash into the top of the tree. It's fangs stuck in the lumber. Desperately it tried to break free, flapping its wings and moving its tail like a whip.

I couldn't get closer this way… But there must be another way!

I realized that I could manipulate my flames more easily hoping this would help in the battle presented in front of me. I jumped into the air trying to gain enough altitude to restrain myself from damaging the tree. At the same time, I pulled out the flames in waves, creating something similar to a heatwave.

Within the cold wind and icy weather, this should become even more effective.

But what I had not realized yet was the fact that it had begun to snow. The heatwaves I emitted quickly turned the falling snowflakes into steam and even turned the snow that had fallen on top of the tree into the water.

"Snow?! Wait… This could be of use right now, right?"

I began to think as I strengthened the heatwaves which now finally reached the still struggling serpent. At that time I thought everything would go smoothly as the snow could effectively keep the tree from getting burned, yet fate had different plans in store for the both of us.

The wing claps of the flying serpent were strong enough to blow away my heatwaves which quickly had proven not to be as effective as I hoped… I had to think of something else, but…

Could I during this harsh weather in which I needed my mana to keep myself warm?

Maybe I could find a way on top of the serpent? If I wanted to, I had to make it quick.

The Flying serpent Widened its vision and began to pull harder trying to escape. Giving way to the thick branches it had got itself stuck on. As it didn't feel the heatwaves which he had luckily blown away the only thought on its mind was to break free. Thinking I had enough of a chance to try something radical, I rushed towards the still desperately struggling flying serpent.

It was now, or never! Calculating the unpredictable movements of its tail I jumped up,

hoping to land on its back. As I soared through the sky, I pulled my flames closer. This in theory should help me to stay in the air longer, while at the warmth shouldn't give me away and efficiently keep me warm at the same time.