The Fallen King II

chapter 2:

Franicus sector: Ganoon Star system; Rooma

Rooma. One of the many key planets of the Lersinean Empire. Rich with important resources such as the Káfsima Crystal, which is most commonly mined and used as a type of fuel for ships and many other kinds of technology that was developed. Additionally, it can be converted to electricity through a type of technology developed by Cibus Technology, owned by one of the largest companies in the known galaxies, Cibus Enterprise. It is owned by two sisters merchants that have the most influence, power and money in the galaxy.

Rooma itself is covered by mountains, rocky terrains with rainforests scattered here and there. Most of its cities are built beside mountains, making it easier to transport crystals into the city. The city itself is sheltered by a gigantic dome, keeping it safe from acid rain which showers down from time to time. However, most native Roomeasians live inside the rainforests. Building their houses in trees. The sturdy leaves of the trees in the rainforests ensure protection from the acid rain or if it gets severe enough such as a storm. A road was built to connect the city to other Roomeasian built cities creating a web of roads that link each city to each other. Rooma was inhabited by the Roomeasians. They are sentient that resemble amphibians with humanoid bodies. They typically come in five different skin tones. Blue, green, orange and purple. Eyes that are either pure black, blue or green. Their hair can vary in multiple colours and their ears are slightly pointed at the end and are like that of a Fins. They have an antenna hanging down from their forehead where a bulb like an esca is attached. This esca is very important for it is used to communicate their emotions through the glowing of colours such as yellow for happiness, red when in a threatening situation and blue when they're sad.

Food was incredibly hard to come by, as most of the terrain are just plain rocky surfaces. If they do find a rainforest it is filled with a type of giant insect that is extremely hard to kill. Hence the tree houses. In the end, they resulted in eating fungi based plants such as the Kushávroom. The Kushávroom is a type of mushroom plant. However, it is extremely poisonous to humans. Another type of food in their diets is the Canu Ants. These ants typically roam the rainforests and are hunted for food. The meat is typically roasted and it ended up being one of the most popular dishes for the Roomeasians.

Roomeasians are one of the most peaceful sentients to be recorded in history. However, after the Lersinean Empire invaded Rooma which is otherwise named The Roomeasien War. They became second class citizens of the Lerseanien Empire with no right to voice their opinions in important decisions or speak freely. As their rights were stripped from them the moment the Lersinean Empire took over their planet.









Rabin, Capital of Rooma






In the centre of the Capital. A large building that served as the Imperial Lersinean Roomeasian Military Base sits. The building is shaped like a cigar, its roof reaching for the clouds.

On the fortieth floor lies the office of Major Tina Achtar Roluchka. She is one of the few Roomeasian born officers that made it to the rank of Major in the army. In the office, There was a wooden desk. There was nothing fancy about it but it served its purpose well. Behind the desk, there was a bookshelf filled with books. The books mostly consisted of novels, fairy tales and old stories about magic and magical beings.

The room is at a very cold temperature with a humidifier that sat on the arch of the desk. Making the atmosphere perfect for typical Roomeasians. Suddenly the office door was open fallow with a loud bang. At the doorway. A slightly short human like sentient with large pure light blue greenish eyes which is a very rare eye colour for a Roomeasian. With Ears that are pointed slightly at the end and are like that of a Fins. On her forehead, there was an antenna that is not long enough to cover her eyesight. At the end of the antenna, there was an esca that was used to express emotions by lighting up in different colours. She had light green skin and short Dark Ocean Blue colour hair which look like a beautiful drawing of an ocean.

This person was wearing an Imperial Army uniform with a Prussian blue service tunic which showed that she was from a roomeasian regiment. An army cap the same colour as her tunic. A Raven Medal made out of iron pinned onto the left side of her chest indicated that she was an honoured soldier. The Medal was awarded to her at the end of the Great Roomeasian War. As she walked into the office she threw her bag onto her desk aggressively before slumping down on her chair wearily. Based on her behaviour. She was irritated about something.

'First thing in the morning and I have to put up with those fucking twats!' In her hand was a cup of coffee that seems like she had put extra milk and syrup in it, suddenly a knock sounded on the entrance door. 'Major Achtar, may I come in?' A mysterious soft voice called through the door. Tina inhaled slowly calming herself down, then yelled 'Come in!' A human lady walks into the room. A captain from the 057th battalion.


I've seen her quite a few times and could say that she is not a bad person. She was quite young from my eyes, probably a few years younger than me. with skin white as snow, Short maple coloured hair. At the tail of her hair was braided into a long strip. With Orange eyes and some freckles covering her nose area, she wears silver rounded glasses, with all that she seems "cute" i think?

'Oh. It's you. Bhictoria was it?'

'Y-yes ma'am.' Bhictoria replied with a startled tone.

I leaned back on my chair and then said 'Don't worry, I won't bite ya. you're from Scuntenburge?'

bhictoria smiled lightly then said 'Y-yes ma'am, how did you know?'

'Accent maybe? what are you here for?'i

'Oh, I'm sorry ma'am.' she looked at her notepad then said 'Lieutenant General Nira wants you to meet her at Her Excellency's office.'

'Huh? okay then. Tell her that I will be there in a moment.' I ordered her in a calm tone.

'Yes, Mam.' She replied with a smile.

She then saluted by partially raising her left arm, palming down her hand then said

'may The Great Void Bless the Emperor'

this style of saluting is called (Avenrus) it is also used in the Cult of the Void as a form of respect to It's God. 'God save the Emporer.' I replied with an Avenrus salute as well then wave her goodbye.

I smiled at her as she slowly walked out of the room. I wondered what nira wants from me.

I then leant back onto my chair, closing my eyes before inhaling deeply and then exhaling out the air. Opening my eyes. I muttered. 'Well. Gotta go see the General now.' I jump up from my chair and walk towards the door. As I stepped out and into the corridor, I saw a handful of officers walking past me, I thought to myself. 'it's a damn busy day today.'

I start walking towards the lift. A few moments later i finally arrive in front of the lift. i pressed the up button then waited for a few seconds, the elevator arrived as it gives out a "ding!" sound. I then walk inside and pushed the button for the hundredth floor. I vacantly stared at the elevator door. i opened my communicator which was a rectangular device with a screen on it, i unlocked it with face recognition and then pressed on an app called, Novella from Cibus. i scrolled the app for a few seconds before realizing that I have reached Lieutenant General Nira's floor.

As I walked out of the elevator, I saw four soldiers guarding the office, two in front of the elevator and two in front of the General's office entrance door. One of the tall soldiers stepped forward and asked for my pass, which made me annoyed greatly. I ask myself "what in the flying pancakes do they need my pass for?"

I growled slightly as i reluctantly hand her my level four pass. 'Here. Are you happy now?' She tilts her head down to look at my pass then raise her head slightly to my eye level

'I apologise for troubling you Major Achtar, please proceed.' as the tall girl soldier handed me back my pass card.

I turn my head and met eye contact with the receptionist. 'Are you Major Tina? She asked swiftly.

'Yes. I am here to see Lieutenant General Nira.' I replied.

'She is waiting for you inside her office ma'am, please do enter.' as she nodded at me.

'Thanks.' I nodded my head and walked up towards the office door. Upon opening it, I saw Lieutenant General Nira sitting on a wooden chair behind the desk. The Lieutenant General is a human lady that was way taller than me she was in her late thirties but she looks very young despite her age, with reddish hair, and irises a mixture of red and blue, which contrasted well with her hair.

She was wearing a feldgrau coloured General's tunic that contrasted with a silverish aiguillette. A silver raven medal hung around her neck and a coat draped over her shoulders. The desk sat in the middle of the room and is carved from a single tree, which is probably more expensive than the measly amount I get that they call my pay. On top of the table, there were two bottles, a glass and an ashtray. A bottle of rum and a bottle of whiskey. The glass beside the bottle of whiskey was half-filled with the contents of said bottle and looked like she had already taken several sips from it. The ashtray was in front of the chair, a cigar that had already been cut and lighted. It is the expensive kind. The handmade and brand named one. Only rich aristocrats can get their hands on those.

After standing at the doorway for several seconds assessing my surroundings, she noticed me.'Oh Tina dear, come in!' I walked inside the room and closed the door. She invited me to sit down, so I went over and sat where she indicated. Without asking, she grabbed a spare glass from God knows where and poured some whiskey into it and slid across the table towards me. Grabbing her cigar, she started smoking, while I look at the glass of whiskey in front of me. and thinking to myself "Well I just had a pint last night, but ay one glass won't hurt would it?"

I grabbed the glass in front of me and chugged it down. It was braw. I placed the now empty glass back onto the table and then ask.

'So why have you called me ma'am?' She tilted her head slightly then gave me a slightly grumpy look

'Before that, how can you be so cold to your sister?'

i smirked slightly then said 'Mom is gonna be crossed when she finds out that you smoking and drinking again.'

'Well, if you tell her, I'm going to demote you.' She replied with a threat, A sarcastic and terrifying one.

She took a puff from the cigar, she blows out a cloud of red smoke then said.

'I have a mission for you Tina.' She put the cigar in her mouth as she leaned back and grabbed a brown bag that sat beside her and threw it in my direction. 'This mission came directly from Duke Oleander. He even passed me the files personally.' I opened the bag. It contained some documents, so I pulled them out. I yelled in shock as I read them. What!? Why does he want me to assassinate MP Goodwood Has he gone mad?' I asked, still slightly shocked at the mission that I have been asked to complete. Again, she blew out a puff of smoke before speaking. 'Goodwood is one of the most influential MPs in the Empire, Assassinating him will be quite a difficult task.'

'Besides the mission can i ask you a favour sis?' I asked.

She nodded, then said. 'shoot'

'Can I have Captain Bhictoria transferred to my company?' i ask as i brace myself for her to start smirking.

Nira rest her elbow on the wooden desk placing her face against the palm of her hand then gave me a sudden smirk. 'Why? Do you fancy her?'

'N-No!' Tina replied. she blushes a bit and tried to look away from nira. 'I feel like there is something special in her, and that she can be an asset for my company. That's all!' 'Okay, okay, anything for you' Nira replied with a soft smile on her face. She then grabs her communicator and called her subordinates ', hello i got an order for you. I want you to transfer captain bhitoria, yes from 057th battalion I want her to transfer into major achtar company, no-no that's all thank you, there you go.' tina lightly smiled then said 'Thanks sis'

Moments after Tina uttered that sentence, a rocket can be seen approaching Nira's office through her window.
