The End

It's a rainy day.

But it's not a normal rainy day.

It's a rainy day that truly embodies the connotation of what a rainy day is.

So yeah it's one of those rainy day.

I'm currently 6 stories up in New York in my 67 a month apartment. And right now Mother Nature is whipping up the bitchiest of storms right now for only god knows the reason,and I'm stuck in this god forsaken apartment sprawled out angel style on the floor. Why you ask am in this particular position? Well I just found my best friend ran off with the 8 months worth of rent money and proceeded to gamble it away. Then he has the audacity to go OD with the little he had left. Leaving his bestest friend in the whole world behind. Yeah he's a shitty person and a straight scumbag but sadly he was actually one of the few good things I had left. Now he's gone.

Tears slowly fall across my cheeks as if I wasn't going anywhere so they decided to take their time. But I'm not even sure if I want to go break down and cry up a storm to drown out the one going on around me or cry laughing at how god single handily fucked me with no lube in the span of a single day. So I lay there with tears loitering my face but emotions vacant. My gaze soon lands on my apartment door. And behind it you can hear how my neighbors don't care how the sound carries during sex.

You know my first thought was to call my girl for comfort of course but if you couldn't tell so far I'm that not lucky. The sound of a ringtone is also very easily heard through these walls too. So yeah for the past 30 minutes, I've listening to a all too familiar voice yell, "HIT ME HARDER, DADDY!" and "FUCK YES!", and the song I played to her when asked her out because I don't have the balls to go knock down that door and confirm it myself.

So yeah.

Therefore like what any sane person would do I grabbed the closest means of escape from my reality and ejected it in my blood stream. The goal in my mind was to get an amount just right so I can drown the utter dread and misery of life collapsing. It may not come to a surprise to you, but that didn't work so now I'm OD'ing. Which can be another reason why laying angel style on the floor with tears running down my emotionless face but who cares. Nothing matters.

So now I'm talking to myself to see if I can make any sense out of the worthless existence I'm currently living before it ends. And ignore the fact of how 2/3 of my world collapsed on a single day. And the final 1/3 is about to end within moments. So yeah.

It's a rainy day.

I've grown complacent with life to the point of laziness thus it was inevitable my family and parents got tired of me. So being the "intelligent" and "independent" person I thought I was, I moved to the big city with striking it big on Wall Street on my mind. A couple of loans and bad investments later, I'm working odd jobs to odd jobs with no steady source of income and a "best friend" that frequently takes advantage of me plus a bonus of my girlfriend that I'm guessing frequently cheats on me. Seriously thought about throwing ass at the corner once but then quickly realized I'm too pretty for that. Now I'm here on a rainy day. And damn I'm a loser. Mom and the old Man are probably right and I should've changed my habits now that I think about it. That was 3 years ago, I think it's just a tad bit too late seeing how I'm about to die and all.



I continue to blankly stare at my ugly white popcorn ceiling. Sound of the city feel my surroundings plus the ever so pleasant plea for pleasure. My body melds into the crimson shag rug underneath as I feel numbness begin to overtake my toes and fingertips then ever so slowly my entire body. My breaths are slow yet noticeable as there is a steady decrease in interval. I close my eyes and embrace this feeling.

My only thoughts were "I can accept this since it's.. All.. my fault."

Then I hear a fragile whisper that's can easily be missed if one doesn't concentrate. The whisper slowly makes it's way to my ear then fills my head with hope. This emotion right now was so euphoric that it was nigh indescribable.

"May I offer you up a second chance at life?"

I reply with a genuine tear I thought dried up years ago but a fragile voice that was fading along with inevitability of time.
