
There is a big city like Tokyo or New York, with tall buildings, big billboards everywhere, people in their vehicles bustling here and there. Very busy cities just like any big city on Earth, except for the vehicles were space shuttles, flying jets, peculiar looking bikes. They were everywhere on the roads and on the air too.

Just like on Earth, there were offices and people were busily working in front of monitors or interface of the monitor projected in air. Anyway, the sign on the office read 'Space Control Office'.

A tall woman in office attire with a very confident look was walking while her black stilettos were making clicking noises throughout the hallway. The people on the hallway would have a nervous expression whenever they came across her.

She reaches the end of the hallway to the office of Director of Space Control and knocks on the door.

"Come in", a middle aged voice of a man responded.

Inside was a middle aged man, fairly healthy but stressful look on his face asked, "what is it?"

"A irregularity was observed around the space of 'An' planet system"

"Where exactly in 'An' space?"

"We don't have any satellite coverage for that area. So I can't be sure where."

"What? In this day and age, we don't have coverage. Isn't that the border of the galaxy?"

"That isn't my responsibility. The irregularity was mostly around 'Taiba ' planet if we calculate the rotation and revolution. There must have something happened on Taiba", the woman responded with an indifferent attitude.

"Very well, I'll send some people for investigation"

The middle aged man was left deep in thought.

"Taiba, Taiba….Hmmm… Ah! Isn't that the place where the heavenly dragon was last seen? It can't be a coincidence."

A small space shuttle shaped as a flying disk landed on a patch of land. Two fairly handsome young men jumped from the shuttle. They were standing on a road path which leads to a city in sight. Nearby were tall trees which totally hid their space shuttle.

"I hate this place", said one of the men

"I'm starting to hate this place too", said the other men, while holding a tab which was showing an image of wheel moving and under it was written 'Loading'.

"Starlink won't work. We are totally out of coverage area"

"This place is like stone age. How are the people living here. I totally hate this assignment. Let's quickly get done with this"

"How? Mind you, we are looking for a needle in a haystack, a haystack size of a planet. None of our equipment are gonna work. "

"Ahhh. Let's do it the ancient way. Ask the people. Let's go into the city"

They went inside the city. The signboard read 'Welcome to The Caito City'.

The city was fairly busy with merchants selling their things on the footpath. Vehicles were moving to and fro. People were walking everywhere. There was a sea of humans. Moving was really difficult.

"Elysium City is the best place to be. This feels like hell"

The two men had blended perfectly into the city. Their get up had totally changed. Even they looked different.

"I'll ask around this restaurant. You go ahead find people to talk to"

"Fine", said another man grumblingly.

The first man went inside the restaurant and asked a waiter.

"Hey, friend, did you found something peculiar happening yesterday?"

"Yesterday. A brawl broke out just in the neighboring streets. These goons. You won't believe other party was a police officer"

The first man asked many people but didn't find the answer he was looking for. He might have to report about the police officer but he could care less. His assignment was not progressing, which meant their stay would be a very long one. They had no idea their unwanted visit to Taiba was because of arrival of few guests from Earth. Their superior would have a field day if they found the survivors from The Earth.

Many days had gone by since Kiara and Arav left. Their group was adjusting in Sanka and was also preparing to move from the village. They had earned a fair amount of money by helping around in the village. The villagers were rather generous to let them help out. However, the money was nowhere enough to get even one of them out of town.