Freeze Trespasser

Your Pov

I had managed to make my way back home, acquiring only a few scratches and bruises from the woods here and there on my body. I just met The Slenderman and I swear my head is about to explode from thrill and excitement. He didn't kill me he actually kissed me. ME! A young woman who's only life is to draw inside all day when I'm not busy at the elementary school and spends her entire life indoors. Creepypasta is my life, the students are my life, and other than that I'm a very boring person. This little bit of simple attention I received from this creature who is nothing but a ruthless killer has made my entire body melt into butter, my heart to start pounding like a jack hammer, and my cheeks to create what's probably a brand new shade of red.

I let out a soft breath as I head up to my drawing room, pulling out a new piece of blank paper and beginning to draw the tall and slender being that's become etched deep in my mind and is starting to dig his way into my heart, a sweet creature in a pink dress clinging tight to his neck as she enjoys a piggey back. Slenderman and Sally. These two creepypastas have always been my favorite creatures and meeting them in real life only gives them a deeper spot inside my heart. The thought of them being killers should turn me off but it doesn't. I grew up around murderers, thieves, drugs, and so much more. A person who enjoys killing is nothing new to me and I find it oddly comforting. Once I finish with my drawing I hang it up on my color board so I can remember to add color to it the next drawing chance I had. I stretch out my tired limbs and take care of my evening routine, a light smile on my lips.

Ben's Pov

Once everyone was sound asleep and the clock struck one, sending a single reverberating sound through the quite mansion usually alight with life as well as a chill down even my ruthless spine, I meet Jeff down at the front door as we had planned. I follow the smiling killer out a window and through the woods, my coded blood coursing through my veins at the excitement of gathering new information on this creature that seems to have stolen the heart of our protector. Despite what he says it's clear there are feelings there and we had best uncover everything we can before he falls too hard and becomes hurt. We may be killers but we still have hearts.

"What will we be looking for exactly?" Jeff asks, glancing over at me as he constantly twirls his knife in hand.

"A computer or a safe that can provide us with information that only she knows or has access to!" I call to him, the wind rushing past the two of us in at a whistling speed, almost as if to slow us down even by mere minutes.

I follow the other killer to the address he had discovered Y/N resided in, partially by instincts and partially by sneaking into Slender's office but who's counting details such as that? The two of us slip through the window of what we supposed was a window, our jaws dropping in shock at the drawing room lit by an eery red light that catches and highlights a few of the gruesome drawing scattered around the walls.

"She's more psychotic then I am," he mumbles, a light sound of pride and awe in his voice as his fingers trail along a picture pinned on the wall of him in mid kill.

"You can play burglar and fanboy later Jeff, right now we need to search for what we came here to get." he says, glaring over at the male. I admit that I can't completely blame him though, these drawings really are incredibly and very well done, but right now we need to protect our protector.

"Yeah, yeah. A computer or a safe," he mumbles, taking one last look at the drawings on the wall before slipping out of the bedroom and exploring the rest of the house.

I follow after him, opting to search the upstairs while he does the down, an irritated growl leaving my chest when I was unable to recover anything of use. I take a deep breath and slowly open the door on the only bedroom I haven't searched yet, the one containing our person of interest. As I am about to enter said room I completely freeze in my tracks at the sound of a gun clicking into action.

"Don't move or I will not hesitate to shoot you," a low voice growls in my direction, the figure shrouded in darkness as the silver weapon glints dangerously in the moonlight and (e/c) eyes meet with my own black orbs dotted in red pupils.