
RJ just stood there, shock plain on his face and a kitten in his arms, as he stared at the bisected Wolf-Headed Ogre and the warrior woman who caused it. Tatterhood for her part just swung the blood off of her guan dao before resting it across her shoulder and standing there triumphantly with a smile on her face.

Strangely, the ogre's body did not proceed to fall to pieces and cover the area in blood, guts and gore, but had started jittering like a fuzzy video and turned into a ball of light that shot towards RJ. His body jolted a bit as the ball of light made impact and was subsequently absorbed by him.

RJ palmed at his chest at the sudden action and commented aloud, "Why do I feel like this will be a regular occurrence"?

"Because it will be", Tatterhood replied as she walked over to him, "so why did you risk your life to rescue this zouyu cub? Those things are much fiercer than Bestial Ogres".


"Wait, what"?

But before RJ could ask or stare at the kitten in his arms, until the voice of the game guide interrupted his train of thought...followed by a weird panel appearing before his eyes.

[Congratulations RJ on completing your turtorial quest and accomplishing a secret bonus objective].

{Mission: The first step of a thousand miles

Difficulty: F

Objective: Defeat the tutorial monster and form a contract with your guardian - Complete


Contract Card of the Turtorial Monster x 1

Relic ticket x 1

A Tailored Cultivation Book}

{Hidden Objective: Risk your life to rescue an innocent by-stander - Complete


Guaranteed Contract Card with a specific 5-Star monster

4-star Relic ticket x 1}

Would you like to activate your rewards now?]

"I say do it".




RJ didn't know when, but Tatterhood had walked over to his side and began looking over his shoulder. She had also changed back from looking like a warrior princess to her original, tattered look, as did Bellerophon the goat.

"What? Not used to a pretty girl talking in you ear?", Tatterhood teased with a lopsided smile and a tilt of her head. RJ for his part looked a little dorky holding the kitten above his while in a shocked pose.

"I,no,uh...", RJ stammered for a bit before collecting himself and fixing his standing/holding posture, "where did you come from exactly"?

"Gasp! How could you forget about me already? You stepped on me when we first met!", Tatterhood said dramatically with her hand over her heart. Oddly enough, Bellerophon did the exact same motions.

"Waitaminute, I have nev-wait...the card? You were that card I picked up?", RJ asked in a shocked tone.

"Mhm!", Tatterhood confirmed with a nod and a cheeky grin.

"As I said, I am the one, the only, the unbeatable, your guardian, Tatterhood", she said while doing a curtsy, "and this is my goat, Bellerophon".

"Baa", the goat said with a head bob.

After she had said her piece, a string words appeared in RJ's head, confirming that she was his "guardian".

{Name: Tatterhood [The Unbeatable]

Classification: Embodiment of story-Folk

Attribute: Earth [Whatever I want it to be]

Rarity: 7 stars [I'm top class, baby]

Special Abilities: Combat Mastery, Riding, Reality Distortion[Personal], Tenacity

Description/Origin[Tuck in and get ready for a ride, or just skip this and go claim your reward]: Once upon a time in a lost kingdom in Norway, a childless queen wanted children of her own. Noticing her desperation, a magic beggar woman told the queen of a secret method that would help her children. All the queen had to do was to wash herself, toss the water under her bed and sleep. The next day, two flowers would grow, one fair and one rare, and if she ate the pretty one, she would have a baby just as beautiful. [Kinda obvious what happens next].

Following the woman's advice, the woman washed herself with two tubs of water and tossed it under her bed. As she slept, two magical flowers grew from the discarded. One was bright and lovely with a beautiful color...the other was ugly, black and kinda funky looking. She quickly ate the pretty flower, but was so enticed by the flavor of it, she scarfed down the ugly one too. Her line of reasoning that the ugly flower probably wouldn't do anything since she ate the pretty one first.

Not long after, the queen gave birth to twins. One was beautiful, fair and sweet...the other was rude, loud, ugly and literally rode out on a goat with a wooden spoon in hand. [Ah, childhood]

The pretty twin was named ||||, while the wild one named herself Tatterhood. The two couldn't be more different, with ||||| being the picture perfect example of a fair princess, while Tatterhood was... decidedly, one hundred percent, not. However, the two were the best of friends

One Christmas Eve, while the family was slumbering away, a horrible cacophony began to play in the gallery. Tatterhood demanded to know what caused the noise, to which the queen reluctantly revealed to be a pack of trolls who would come every seven years to cause a ruckus. Being the heroically headstrong type, Tatterhood told her family to hide away while she and her goat went to go and fight the trolls


Tatterhood chose to look how she wants, _+;(#8-_?#(-_-#(;;;

Happily Ever After}.