A die, a mirror and, GOOD LORD THIS IS HEAVY

{Would you like to activate your relic tickets now?}, the game system chimed in after the ogress card had disappeared.

"Well since I'm here...sure", RJ replied with a shrug.

The tickets that were still suspended midair began to float towards RJ after he made his confirmation. Unconsciously, RJ proceeded to just grab them.

{Please tear your tickets now to activate the lottery}.

" First was a pick card and now a lottery...how modern...", RJ muttered as he proceeded to tear the two tickets in his hands. The tickets exploded into clouds of golden dust for a few moments before reconstituting into a floating roulette wheel and a lottery machine.

The roulette wheel was solid red with every section depicting and image of a question mark alongside four to six stars. If RJ had to guess, this was the 4-star relic ticket.

The lottery machine on the other hand, looked like a fish bowl, filled with many colored crystal balls,attached to some kind of machine that had a steampunk asthetic. Staring at the two gambling items, RJ had mixed feelings about the actual mysticism of the whole thing.

"Wait a minute".

Just as RJ was about to activate both items, Tatterhood stopped him. He was about to ask why she was stopping him, until she walked over and proceeded to grab and kiss both of his hands.

"For luck", she said with a teasing smile before letting go of his hands.


With that done, RJ threw caution to the wind and spun the wheel with one hand and plunged the other into the lottery machine. A stop button had manifested next to the wheel after he had spun it.

As the wheel spun wildly in the background both literally and figuratively in the background of his mind, RJ kept his focus on fishing out a good ball from the machine. Once he grabbed what his intuition told him was a good one, he pulled it out and pressed the stop button at the same time.

From the lottery machine he had pulled out a purple crystal ball, while the fortune wheel had stopped on a 5-star panel.

{Congratulations, you have drawn a [Celestial Bronze Bagua Mirror-Prototype]}.

{Congratulations, you have drawn [The Loaded Dice of Apate and Dolos]}.

As the announcements were made inside of RJ's head, the ball inside of RJ's hand had shattered and transformed into a pair of black dice, while the fortune wheel he had spun had turned into a bronze eight-sided mirror with a Yin-Yang symbol on the back alongside eight indents, that floated gently into his other hand. He examined the two relics for a moment when a pair of description windows popped up in front of him.

[ Name: Bronze and Silver Bagua Mirror of the Fallen Titans (Incomplete)

Rarity: 5 stars

Abilities: Feng Shui overlay,Reflection lvl 1, Revelation lvl 1, Growth potential, ???

Description: Bagua mirrors are a type of magic Daoist tool used in Feng Shui to either absorb or push away negative energy in an environment to help instill harmony and positive energy. This particular Bagua however is made from the bronze of Talos and the silver tears of a moon goddess. As such, it's mystical properties are exponentially stronger than standard. It has yet to be instilled with the properties of the Eight Trigrams].

[Name: Loaded Dice of Dolos and Apate (One-time knock-off)

Rarity: 4 Stars

Ability: When using a spell or performing a task that is more luck based than skill, the user can use these dice to force a desired outcome. The relic will be destroyed after use.

Description: Apate is the Greek goddess of fraud and deceit. Dolos is the spirit of trickery and guile. These two dice are infused with a portion of their power, allowing the user to tap into their tricky ways. For the winner is not always the strongest, the fastest or the most qualified, but the guy who...planned ahead].

"Huh... dumb question...".

"Yes, you store the relics into your soul plane", Tatterhood answered.

"And I do that by...".

"Just think it".

"Okay, so I just-ga"!

Following Tatterhood's instructions, the two relics in RJ's hands turned into balls of light that shot into his chest...again. Evidently, having balls of light shooting into one's chest is something no one can get used to.

"I...am never going to get used to that...okay, let's look at this book now!", RJ exclaimed as he clapped his hands together.

{Distributing cultivation manual, [A Practical Guide to Summoning, Crafting and Geomancy]}.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to ask me if I-SWEET LORD"!

Just as RJ was going to ask about the sudden change in procedure, a dictionary-sized book fell from the sky and into his arms.

"What is this thing made of"?!