Cat and Mouse

"What in the hell are y-" "ROAAARRR"!

Much to RJ's shock, the Zouyu cub released a mighty roar that was quite at odds with it's small size.

Unexpectedly, the roar had the unusual effect of blocking the fire pillar and forcing it to gather up into a fireball. The fireball was just hanging there as if it was afraid of the Zouyu and didn't dare to come closer.

A moment later, the Zouyu began to inhale and suck in the ball of orange flames into his mouth as easy a bowl of milk!

This strange action caused RJ to stare on with a shocked expression, the Huoshu's once raging expression began to shift to one of confusion and Tatterhood to go from confusion, to realization to smiling like a cat who caught the canary and it's mate. As for the Ogress...she didn't care.

After absorbing the orange fireball, the Zouyu body grew to be about the size of a leopard and became surrounded by a white flame that radiated this feeling of warmth, comfort and holiness. The sight of the white flames caused the Huoshu to feel uneasy and take a step back from the sight.

Out of nowhere, a series of notifications from the [Grimmemoria] app appeared before RJ's eyes.

{Congratulations. The Zouyu cub's [Holy Fire] ability has reached level 2}.

{Congratulations. The Zouyu cub has purified enough [Gula] energy and has learned [Aura of Temperance] as a result}.

{Congratulations. The Zouyu cub's [Celestial Power] is now level 1.5 and has learned [Bestowal]}.

"Well...this feels like cheating", RJ commented as he witnessed the sudden power spike in the Zouyu kitten.


The Zouyu let out another roar as white flames began to condense into a ball in front of it's open mouth. A moment later,the Zouyu released a beam of holy white flames at the Huoshu.


"Insolent feline!", the Huoshu thought as he saw the strange cat creature fire a beam of flames at him. He wasn't sure why, but he knew that he could not treat this flame lightly!

Snarling and displeased at the encroaching beam of flames, the Huoshu lifted up one of his meaty arms and covered it in a dense layer of orange flames until it formed an oversized version of it's claws made of flames. The Huoshu swung it's oversized fire claw in an attempt to block the beam.




The Huoshu had managed to knock away the beam of white flames away from himself but at a cost!

The Huoshu had underestimated the power of the beam and did not foresee it being able to pierce through the orange flames that covered his arms, losing a pair of fingers as a result.

The two severed appendages flew through the air, burning with holy fire all the while until there was nothing left.

"Gaaaaah! What is this horrible pain?!", he thought as he felt a searing pain shoot up his arm and into his head.

Looking down at his injured paw, he soon noticed that the severed stumps were still aflame with that wretched white flame from before. Annoyed and pained at their presence, the Huoshu began to circulate his energy and direct his flames towards the burning stumps.

When he was battling with that girl and goat from before, they would land a number of wounds on his body from bruises to cuts to broken bones and shattered organs! However, he learned during that fight that if he concentrated the orange flames his body produced to the wounds, that they would heal up no problem.

He figured that these flames would be no different, that the great hunger within him would snuff out this horrible feeling.

But the moment his flames made contact with the foreign one, his pupils shrank as a he released a great shriek of pain!


"What in the-wait! Duh!", RJ said as he stared at the Huoshu's actions and as he facepalmed himself.

As quick as he could, he retrieved his phone and took another photo of his opponent to see it's [Status]. The information from before greeted his eyes, but a new line of information appeared at the very bottom.

[Health Status: Wounded and worsening(Purification 5% and growing)]

"Purification?", RJ asked aloud as he stared at his phone screen.

"What does tha-Waa"!

Tatterhood had snuck up next to him again and forcefully placed her arm around his shoulder...not that he would complain about it.

"It appears that the little kitten's flame is this thing's natural weakness, moreso than my current water abilities. Glimrende! Now I know how we can take this thing down", Tatterhood said excitedly.


"Removal!", the Huoshu thought as he stared at the growing white flames on its paw.

Gritting his teeth, he straightened his fingers and encased it in flames, forming a blade. Once the blade was complete, he swung it downwards and chopped of his burning paw.

The white flames greedily burned away his severed paw, but he didn't care. He was now safe from that horrible thing.

"I wonder...", he thought.

Experimentally, he exerted his control over the flames and manipulated it until he managed to create a replica of his severed paw made of orange fire.

Just in time too, as he caught sight of the crazy goat riding woman from earlier rushing towards him once more!