Encounter Notification

Name: Ronald Jacobs "RJ" Grimm

Age: 24

Sex/Gender: Male/Male

Abilities: Martial Arts(1) [3/10]

Geomancy(Active) - Earth Shape

Conjuration(Active) - Spirit Sense, Spirit Call

Crafting-Model Making (2), Sculpt, Infuse

Combination Skill: Golemancy(1)

Level: 1

Unspent Skill Points: 3

Cultivation Path: [A Practical Guide to Summoning, Crafting and Geomancy] (!)


"Waitaminute, when did I learn that?", RJ asked as he saw the [Golemancy] skill. As if reading his mind, a new window prompt showed up.

{ The skill, [Golemancy], is cross disciplinary skill requiring the ability to shape inanimate matter into a shape that can be functionally given "life". The user's current skill in sculpting is high enough to make basic shapes, while the [Spirit Call] and [Infusion] is enough to provide "life"}.

"Oh... neat".

"Well if you're gonna be doing this, I'll be outside with Frost and Ember", Tatterhood said as she left the workshop, "try not to miss me too much~".

Rolling his eyes, RJ went ahead and looked at what skills he could now learn.



[Stone Fist]

[Rock Shot]

[Qi Flow]

[Treasure Sense]



[Spirit Read]

[Item Call]


[Summoning Strike]




[Model Maker 2]



[Gem Work]

About a crap load of other crafting skills.


"How game-like", RJ commented as he looked at his skill tree. He made note of the skills he had unlocked prior and what skills those had unlocked as a result.

Evidently, he made the quick realization that the [Steady Hands] skill, might have been the reason why he could do that reflect trick with his magic mirror before.

"Well, I already have [Earth Shape], so I guess I don't need [Stone Fist] or [Rock Shot]...might need that [Qi Flow] thing though", RJ thought as browsed the [Geomancy] tree. He had a suspicious feeling about how some of these skills worked, but he was going to test that after he had spent his current skill points.

This process went on for a good half hour before RJ went with his gut and spent his points on [Spirit Read], [ Qi Flow] and [Masonry].

"Nyeeh, weird feeling", RJ mumbled as the information of his new skills was downloaded into his brain once more. Unlike last time, RJ had mentally prepared himself so he wouldn't pass out. However, he couldn't stop his vision going out of focus.

After the funny feeling had passed, RJ shook his head to refocus his mind and attention. A few blinks later, he was right as rain...mostly.

"Are ya done in there?", Tatterhood called out.

"Yeah..I think", RJ replied, still a little shaky.

"Good, because the mailbox thing has a notification for you".


Making his way out of the Workshop, RJ saw a strange red circle floating next to the magic mailbox that had almost impaled him from earlier. Figuring it was important, he proceeded to open it.

As he opened the lid, a ball of light flew out of it and turned into a floating window screen. A scroll of text soon appeared.

[Alert: Five storied ones have become active within the user's vicinity. Whether or not the user wish to pursue is up to their discretion].

The window screen shifted from a wall of text into a map of the San Francisco area. Scattered across the map were five {?} in stylized hexagons, each of the hexagons had a different color to them.

When RJ clicked on one of the hexagons, it expanded into a window profile that revealed...absolutely nothing.

The new window had nothing to it except a series of stat lines that were filled with question marks and a silhouette image of what the storied in question could look like. The only thing that was actually provided some type of viable information, was a little timer counting down next to each of the hexagons.

"Hey, do these timers represent how long these encounters will last or what?", RJ asked the system. At this point, he had figured that whatever magical super AI was running this game could hear him/read his thoughts, so he might as well make use of it.

[In a sense], the system's voice echoed around him, [the timer could indicate that the storied might disappear or grow out of reach of your current capabilities].

"That's... ominous. Wait, are these timers based on outside time"?


"Neat. Tatterhood, mind helping me practice something before we go after...that gray one that appears to be closest to us?", RJ asked while pointing at the map.
