A New Companion

[Optional Quest: Find the Bard's name]

[Description: Occasionally, the dead have a chance of remembering details of their life. If they can recall who they were, they have chance of finding peace or regaining some lost strength. Find the Bard's name to see which one it is]

[Objective: The quest can only begin once the Skeleton Bard has been contracted].

"Contracted? What does that mean?", the skeleton asked as he saw RJ look through the floating window screen. RJ for his part just quickly read through the quest before dismissing the window and taking out his phone.

"Uhh...I think I can't help you unless you decide to come along with me", RJ answered.

"I...okay. What does that entail? Do I have to make a blood pact or something? I don't have any blood...I think, hah", the skeleton joke with an awkward laugh.

"No, just...stand still", RJ answered as he pointed his phone's camera at the sitting skeleton, "this might tickle". The phone's camera adjusted itself until the skeleton bard was fully in-focus. A moment later, a button that was previously greyed out that was labeled "Capture", lit up.

"You know I've been meaning to ask, what is that weird rec-Aiyeeeee"!

Before the skeleton bard could ask about RJ's phone, RJ had pressed the "Capture" button and had sucked in the bard into his phone as quickly as taking a photo. A moment later, an illustration depicting the skeleton bard striking a pose appeared on his phone.

[Skeleton Bard-Mariachi edition, acquired], the game announced. A stat screen showing the Bard's abilities appeared a moment later.

{Name: Skeletal Bard-Mariachi}

{Classification: Undead, Spellcaster}

{Attribute: Yin, Darkness}

{Rarity: Three stars}

{Abilities: Soul Song, Sonokinesis lvl 1, Immortal Skull, Undead Growth}


The screen soon shifted to a top down, cartoony view of the [Floating Castle Garden]. Little avatars showing Ember the Zouyu and Frost the Wolf Ogress could be seen milling about the now spruced up garden.

[Would you like to add the Skeleton Bard to the Garden]? {Yes} {No}

Without much of a thought, RJ just clicked {Yes}.

An avatar representing the nameless skeleton soon appeared onto the screen.

"Oi, my skull...anybody get the number of the truck that just hit me"?



"Hey...Ay!", the bard exclaimed as he just processed meeting a magic cat monster and a six foot something wolf-headed beast.

"Don't eat me, I am just bones!", the bard exclaimed. RJ could make out that the bard was now in a huddled position.

"Well they appear to be getting along swimmingly", Tatterhood commented over RJ's shoulder.

Surprisingly, he did not panic this time. At this point, he was used to the idea of Tatterhood just...popping out of nowhere.

"Indeed", RJ said as he turned off the display and pocketed his phone...only for it to suddenly start ringing.

Checking the caller ID, he saw that it was one of his roommates.

"Sup dude, what you want"?

"I'm gonna go look around for a bit", Tatterhood informed RJ before wandering away. RJ watched her go up to one of the arcade machines before the voice of his roommate caught his attention.

"Hey RJ, I heard from Sergei that you're currently out and about, would you mind picking up dinner for the apartment?", said nerdy yet chill voice coming from RJ's phone.

"Yeah, sure. What do y'all want to get"?

"That depends on where ya at, but the general consensus seems to be-"

"MEAT!", a loud bass-y voice called from the background.

"-yeah, meat".

"Will do, think there's a Mexican place or a Hawaiian BBQ nearby, I'll text y'all whichever one I get to first", RJ assured them.

"Cool. Oh yeah, one more thing", the caller said before RJ could hang up the phone, "could you settle something for us"?

"What's up"?

"Sergei mentioned that when you came back and when you left you had a lady friend with you. When did you start dating again? I thought you were still in the bachelor's club with the rest of us".

"Oh that, well-", RJ began. However, he failed to notice that Tatterhood had finished wandering and was now directly behind him. Additionally, she heard heard everything that RJ's roommate just asked about.

A rather devious smile began to form on her face.

"Yeah, I think Sergei might have been-".

"Darling~ Are you done talking with your friends yet? I'm bored~", Tatterhood whispered near the phone receiver in a sickeningly sweet yet seductive tone.

Tatterhood's actions had the immediate effect of causing RJ to freeze up while turning beet red, while causing the guy on the other end of the line to just pause for a moment before his brain managed to process the seductive voice that just came through. This lead to him, incoherently babbling.

"Wait, hold up, who was that? Why did she just whisper in your ear? If you're not actually dating, is she single? Does she have a friend or sister who's single at least"?!

"Okay, gotta go get food now, text ya later, bye!", RH managed to spit out in rapid pace before hanging up the phone. He let out a deep sigh after doing so and gave Tatterhood a dirty yet tired look.

"Why?", RJ asked, exasperated.

"Because you're easy to tease and it's cute seeing you flustered", Tatterhood said bluntly.

"Wait, what"?

"Now come on", Tatterhood said while grabbing RJ's arm, "time wait for no man and we need to get your roommates some food as well".

Before he could get in another word, RJ was unceremoniously dragged by Tatterhood out of Pier 39.

"What's Hawaiian BBQ anyways"?