
Tatterhood let out a long whistle once Senior Hippie had identified who the beautiful woman walking their way was.

"That's Reya? Damn Senior Hippie, you got good taste", Tatterhood commented as she eyed Reya up and down. At this moment, RJ made a small mental note about Tatterhood, whether or not it was good or bad was up to interpretation.

" sure?", RJ asked after squinting his eyes at her for a few minutes, "she looks different".

"Aye, that's her...what is she doing here? This ain't her normal scene...", Senior Hippie commented as she came closer and closer, "Actually, why does she know Donnie"?

"Wait, what is her normal scene then?", RJ asked Senior Hippie.

But the skeleton was about too focused on the scene playing out before him to give RJ a proper answer.

Reya walked right through the trio and up to young Donnie, a look of happiness and affection plain on her face.

"Been a long time my beautiful wild flower", Donnie said in a charming voice.

"It's only been a night", Reya replied with a small laugh and a smile.

In response, Donnie lovingly held her chain up with his hand.

"An hour without you near me, is like a whole damn year", he replied coolly. This little action was soon followed by the two kissing, first chastely and then straight up making out.

"Oooh! Drama!", Tatterhood said amused. Senior Hippie on the other hand looked absolutely devastated. The skeleton bard collapsed to his knees, a sullen look on his face.

"I can't believe she's cheating on me...she promised she'd wait for me...", Senior Hippie said in a defeated tone that was slowly turning into anger.

"Waitaminute...", RJ muttered as he saw the couple kiss, "I just realized she looks a tad older than the time I saw her in your memory. I don't think she's necessarily cheating on you".

"What?!", Senior yelled in an angry tone, "She's clearly kissing another man right now"!

"Okay", RJ replied in a calm manner, "Here's the thing: how long have you been dead? Because this event clearly happened a little pass that memory we saw".

"What does that have to do with...oh. Oh shit", Senior said as the realization dawned on him.

Senior Hippie was all set to go off on RJ, but the moment he was asked that question, he was stuck.

"So...worst case scenario, she is cheating on you while you were alive and away somewhere as you implied earlier", Tatterhood pointed out in a blunt manner, "Or the other worst case scenario is that you were already dead by this point and now she's trying to move on. I did think of a third possibility, but the way you reacted to them kissing implies you probably didn't swing both ways when you were alive".

"Tatterhood what the hell?", RJ asked in a mildly offended tone, "Haven't you heard of tact"?

"What? I'm just pointing out the obvious", she said in an innocent manner, "it was either that or Senior Hippie here assumes the worst and go on a possible rampage".

"Yeah but still...".

"Okay, enough", Senior Hippie said while getting onto his feet. Evidently, he also managed to readjust his emotions a tiny bit. He still sounded angry, but it was a bit more relaxed now.

"We have established that Donnie knows Reya, can we leave now"?

"I...don't know", RJ responded while thinking about Senior Hippie's question, "If this was a video game we could technically skip out after getting the info, but I have no idea how this remembong thing works".

"It was only for a few seconds for me, but I didn't huff the pipe for a full ten minutes", Tatterhood added.

"So what? Does that mean we have to stay here until this whole memory plays out?", Senior Hippie asked in an annoyed tone, "because he's been kiss...okay more than kissing now, while we were having this conversation"!

"Oh it's not that bad", Tatterhood commented, "At least the memory is pleasant to be inside of. What's the worst that could happen"?

What followed was a rather long, and painfully awkward romp between Donnie and Reya...for Senior Hippie that is.

The trio had watched this young couple be flirty, be flirty with other people, dance to the performing bands, dance buck naked and participate all manner of spiritual practices that supposedly helped one "find themselves" and find "inner peace".

RJ was intrigued, Tatterhood was amused, while Senior Hippie was grinding his teeth the whole time. It's one thing to see the girl you love flirt with another guy, it's another thing when you're not even sure if you were alive at the time to get mad about it.

"Wait..I just thought of something", RJ asked as they watched the young couple participate in some kind of prayer circle, "How are we seeing this"?

"What do you mean? This is Donnie's memory, so we're seeing it because we're inside it", Tatterhood answered while munching on some popcorn. RJ wasn't sure how or where got it, but he wasn't about to ask.

"Yeah that's what I mean. Shouldn't we be seeing and feeling all this from a first person perspective? We're third person right now", RJ explained, "how are we doing that"?

"I don't know, you're the one with the magic phone game", Tatterhood said with a shrug.

"Huh? Oh. Right".

Prompted by Tatterhood's answer, RJ pulled out his phone and activated the [Grimmemoria] app. Navigating the menus, he made his way over to the [Artifacts] section and made use of the search feature, something he read up on the day before. It took him a few seconds to pull up the entry for remembongs.

[Name: Remembong

Rarity: Two Stars

Ability: Memory Smoke

Description: The intricate rune work inside of the bong's design allows one to connect the human mind with both the World between the Lines and the Dreaming. This connection allows the user to relive memories by combining the powers innate to the two realms.

Note: Users should not take a bit longer than five minutes or risk drawing the ire of certain classes of storied].

"Oh that can't be good".

It was that at exact moment, a little crack appeared in the space above them.