Having gotten some rest before the funeral Alice went to Yumi's room to talk with her about her time at Nyx's home and all the things that she learned.
"Yumi are you there? " Alice said from the other side of the door.
Opening the door Yumi motioned for Alice to come in while going to lay on her bed clearly depressed.
"I have something to tell you and I think it might make you feel better.. " Alice said sitting on the bed next to her.
"There is not much you can say that will make me feel better right now Alice. " Yumi replied, pulling her pillow close to her.
"I think this might, I went to go see Nyx when King Mark left and I learned of a waay you can still see your father. " Alice said, placing a hand on Yumi's arm trying to get her to turn over.
"My dad is dead, how could I possibly see him again. Nyx cannot bring back the dead from what I know. " Yumi said softly.
"Nyx asked a Favor of Osia and your father now lives with Nyx in the realm of the Gods. I just got done seeing him not too long ago. There is a way for you to see him still. Nyx said that you will be able to come with me to her domain to see him if you take her as your God and worship her.. " Alice happily.
Turning over and sitting up Yumi looked at Alice in the eyes, "You are not just trying to make me feel better are you? How soon can I see my father if I take her as my God? " Yumi asked, wanting to believe Alice's words.
"I do not know how soon you would be able to go with me to see him but I promise you will get to even if I have to make my mother mad and bring you there without permission. " Alice said while grabbing Yumi's hand.
"Fine.. I will no longer pray to the God I served and will pray to Nyx from now on.. " Yumi said hoping that nothing bad would happen from just changing Gods like this.
"Miss Yumi, it is time for your father's funeral. I was sent to come get you girls. " A knight in white armor said while standing in the doorway.
���Thank you we will meet you downstairs in a moment.. " Yumi replied while closing her door on him.
"I will let you get ready and meet you at the Gates. Alice said leaving Yumi's room and joining the Knight as he walked down the stairs.
"I saw what you did on the battlefield and I would like to thank you for leading us to victory. " The knight said to Alice as they got to the carriage outside of the Estate.
"I wouldn't thank me just yet.. I imagine when the Demon King Kira hears about this he will come for me.. " Alice said, wondering if word had already reached Kira about her wings and her killing two of his men.
"Then I guess for tomorrow's festival you should have as much fun as you can while you still can. " He replied, opening the carriage door for Alice as Yumi joined them wearing a black dress that hung just above the floor as she walked.
Riding in the carriage both Alice and Yumi looked out the windows and watched as the people they passed by would all wave and show respect to them before they entered the castle gates which had knights lined up along the path.
As they turned a corner they could see many of the people that Arita had done business with for many years as well as old friends that Yumi had recognized from her childhood. Seeing all of this tears ran down her cheeks.
"I'm here for you, remember you will still get to see him again just be strong okay? " Alice said as the carriage came to a stop and the Knight that brought them here opened the door.
Looking around Alice was amazed to see such a grand entrance to the crypt, it was made from stone and had carvings off all the previous King's and the hero's of the past.
"We have all gathered here today to say goodbye to a friend and a father that we all hold dear to us. Arita has impacted the lives of everyone that lives in this Kingdom and has contributed greatly. He is a Hero that many will remember for generations to come as well as my oldest friend. I felt it was only right that this be his place of eternal rest and as such I would like everyone to bear witness to Arita the Hero. " King Mark said as a drape hanging over part of the stone wall fell to the ground showing Arita carved into the stone smiling.
The sight of their old friend smiling and being given such an honor brought tears to many of the people there as King Mark motioned for Yumi to join him on the platform to say a few words.
"Many of you already know of his daughter Yumi, she is his successor and would like to say a few words for everyone. " Mark said while putting a hand on her shoulder and stepping down letting her have all the attention.
Looking down at everyone Yumi wiped a tear away, "My father always loved it here.. He was a really great business man and always did his best to help anyone who needed it. I do not believe he would want us all to cry for him right now, if he was here he would tell me what he always would when we would talk in his study.. Yumi there will be a day when you encounter great tragedy, it is a fact of life that no one can escape. You need to stay strong and keep your head held high in those trying times, you can not overcome anything if you allow the bad times to triumph over you.. I believe this is one of those times, and as he would tell me we need to hold our heads high and not let this slow us down. My father may no longer be here but it will not be the last time I see him. " Yumi said, wiping a tear away and stepping down taking comfort in knowing she would still be able to see her father again.
Standing next to Alice again the crypt opened and 6 knights carried the casket with Arita in it out from behind a wall and music began to play as the slowly made their way in.
"As everyone knows Arita loved festivals and we have a great reason to hold one! So tomorrow we will have a festival honoring the Fallen Hero Arita and the new people's hero Alice, I hope that all of you here will do your best to help the festival be a success! For now you may all go into the crypt and say your final goodbyes to Arita. " King Mark said before taking some of the Knights and other businessmen and leaving.
"I'm going to see Nyx, I will be back soon okay? " Alice said to Yumi as she was walking towards the crypt giving a nod to Alice.
Walking into a shower and exiting in the walkway next to the painting of her Alice looked around to see if she could see Nyx or Arita. "Mom where are you? " She yelled out.
"What brings you back so soon? Isn't Aritas funeral today? " Nyx asked, walking down the stairs.
"It is, I wanted to know if I could bring Yumi to see her father today since she agreed to take you as her God. " Alice asked hopefully.
"I will allow it but she cannot be here for long. She will have 10 minutes and not a second longer, I cannot allow the other gods to know I let a Mortal come to my domain and go back to their realm. " Nyx relied after thinking for a second.
"Thank you so much! " Alice replied with a big smile.
"I will come get you and your friend later tonight when I have time. Arita still is not completely ready, are you sure your friend can handle that? " Nyx asked.
"I will let her know before you come for us so she doesn't freak out or anything. " Alice said, giving Nyx a hug before leaving her domain and coming back out of the shadows next to Yumi.
"Nyx agreed to come get us tonight so you can have some time with your father. " Alice whispered to Yumi as they waited in line to say their goodbyes to Arita.