Festival of a Hero Pt 1

"Alice wake up! You can't be late for your own freaking festival! " Yumi said while busting through her bedroom door, annoyed since the festival had just started and she was still laying in bed sleeping like nothing was going on.

"Mmmn " Alice rolled over away from her not wanting to leave the level of comfort she has achieved. "Give me a little more time please. "

"Like hell. " Yumi said, pulling Alice off the bed by her feet to force her to get up.

"Whyyyyyyy.. " Alice said lazily in protest to Yumi's actions.

"Get dressed or I will go without you. How do you think the King will react if you don't show up after the stunt you pulled yesterday? " Yumi said, remembering the King's face when Alice ran off after dropping such big news on him.

Getting on her feet Alice used her ring to get dressed, "Happy now? "

"No. Give me one of those rings and I will be happy, do you even know how long it took me to get ready?! " Yumi replied angrily.

"It's one of a kind unfortunately, lets go since you woke me up so suddenly. " Alice said, walking past her and out of the Estate with Yumi following right beside her.

Walking up to the gate Alice thought of just running when she saw that there were people making a path on both sides of the gate waving and cheering for her. Walking through the path they made Alice put on a smile and played her part by talking with all the regular people giving her their gratitude.

"WINGS WINGS WINGS! " The crowd started chanting wanting to see Alice in all of her glory, a sight which was only seen by the warriors on the battlefield making it a powerful topic of conversation amongst the citizens of the Kingdom.

"It wouldn't hurt anything to show the people, everyone here accepts you so don't be scared. " Yumi said in a voice just loud enough for Alice to hear sensing her hesitation at showing her wings again.

"I guess I will meet you again at the castle. " Alice said, taking her wings out causing the people to cheer even more.

Flapping them hard she took to the sky above them staying low enough for everyone to see her as she looked at the sight below her, the streets were crowded and food stalls and games set up at the edges of the streets.

Flying slowly to the castle Alice felt a large presence coming her way, stopping in her tracks she turned around to see a small army of Demons coming on large flying beasts.

The people turning to see why she stopped all started to panic at the sight causing people to start running in fear at the sight.

"KNIGHTS TO YOUR POSTS! " The same commander from the war yelled out from below her as the streets started to clear and festivities came to a complete halt.

Taking her scythe out and infusing it with a large amount of the Light Element the Demons slowed down at the blinding sight.

Before Alice was even able to charge at the Demons to help defend the Kingdom a deafening boom sounded as the ground as far as Alice could see turned so black it looked like the Kingdom was floating.

"Return now little ones, this Kingdom has the blessing of receiving me to this festival. " Nyx's voice could be heard from every direction as the skies began to turn black as well eliminating almost all of the light from the area.

"We only wish to speak with Alice! We know you cannot do anything to us! " The demon riding on a wyvern shouted while slowly flying closer to Alice.

"You believe I can do nothing to you? Care to see just what I can do little boy? " Nyx said, sucking all of the blackness from the sky and ground into one spot in front of him and stepping out with a smirk.

Seeing the Goddess Nyx appear in their realm the Demon fell back on his mount and couldn't speak due to the sheer force of the murderous intent Nyx was showing him.

"What do you think happens to mortals who defy a God in their presence? I cannot directly interfere with mortals but nothing is stopping me from sending you to the otherside of this realm. Maybe if you pray hard enough to Samar he will be able to wake up from his slumber and retaliate. " Nyx said with a grin walking on the air closer to him.

"RETREAT! " He yelled in a panic, flying away as fast as he could leaving his group with no care what would happen to them.

"Dont worry baby girl as long as I am here nothing will happen but you need to make preparations for when I leave. " Nyx said now standing next to Alice who was still frozen from the amount of pressure Nyx put out.

"Th-thank you. " Alice said, taking a moment to see if her heart was still beating.

"Those bastards put a stop to such a lovely festival. " Nyx said looking down at the empty streets of the Kingdom.

"Hear me mortals, come and enjoy this festival. I am the Goddess Nyx while I am here no harm will befall any of you so party to your little heart's content! " Nyx said, magnifying her voice for the whole Kingdom to hear.

"Are you sure this is okay? " Alice asked not knowing how the other Gods would react to Nyx's stunt just now.

"No one among the lower and middle God's will dare oppose me, as far as the higher God's are concerned I have already told them of my trip to support my daughter. They will not care as long as I do not kill anyone since it has been forbidden by the Supreme. " Nyx replied as she floated down to the ground with Alice beside her.

"The Supreme? " Alice asked curiously.

"The Supreme is the God of all God's even saying his name in the mortal realm is forbidden. He is the original, he is a fierce man. Long ago when it was just the Gods and the primitive races, we gods waged war on each other for the rights to be recognized by the Supreme. This war almost destroyed this planet and left no living creatures behind. All that was Left were the God's waking from his slumber the Supreme was furious and imprisoned us for 10,000 years while he rebuilt this planet from the beginning. Once our punishment was over he left us God's rules to follow and limited our power. The only way for a God to rank up now is by having followers, the more who worship us the more power we have. Soron however no longer has a race and will likely never recover the power he once had which is why he is such a bitter man. Which is why you're so special I might add. You were born between two god's and thus were not given such a restriction. You may one day be more powerful than I am, you're an existence that every God knows about which is dangerous for you. " Nyx said as they landed on the ground which was slowly filling back up with people.

"I have read so many books on God's and that was never mentioned.. " Alice said just trying to imagine how powerful the Supreme was.

"It is only known by the God's and is not allowed to be known by mortals, so keep this a secret. If mortals learn of the existence of the Supreme then this world may very well be wiped from existence. " Nyx replied.

"Back to the festivities, take me to meet the King would you? " Nyx said with a smile paying no attention to the people bowing their heads as she walked by them.

Walking through the streets towards the castle gates Alice felt a little uncomfortable seeing so many people bow and not even try to look at them. It was such a drastic change from when she left the Estate moments ago.

Coming up to the gates Nyx looked slightly annoyed seeing people dressed in black robes with the symbol of her religion.

"Do me a favor, when we get closer to those guys just say that I do not wish to speak right now they will hear me speak later. " Nyx said not wanting to talk with them.

"Sure.. " Alice replied not understanding why she wouldn't want to talk with her believers, doing so would likely boost their morale and make them work harder.

Walking past them Alice was surprised she didn't even have to say anything; they just kept their heads down and let them pass without even a word.

"The King is the man standing on top of the balcony up there. " Alice said, pointing at King Mark who noticed and started sweating.

Snapping her fingers King Mark was transporting next to Alice and Nyx through the Shadows. "Nice to meet you King Mark, I hope you have been treating my daughter nicely. " Nyx said with a smile.