Sol Invictus

The cloaked and hooded elf unbound one of their two long, straight swords from their waist. 

Tycondrius narrowed his eyes at the action. Only a single sword? 

Lone's previous four fights were all done bare-handed-- bloody fistfights that raised the crowd's energy the more either party suffered and swelled. 

Now he'd face an edged weapon. Tycon hoped he wouldn't die too quickly for him to heal. It would be somewhat of a waste of all his prior training. 

The elf then unsheathed their sword, wielding that in their right and the empty scabbard in the left-- an improvised blunted weapon. 

"Felinus, First-Ranger of the Brazen Guard," The elf introduced himself with a male name. 

Tycon was inwardly thankful for it. Because of the elf's light voice, he struggled to discern their-- err... his gender.