Sweetest Ialtrae (Part Two)

**Content Warning: Continuation of explicit torture and death**

Light slowly creeped into the room from beneath the heavy door. Doe's captors were returning. Maybe it wasn't too late to beg for death? 

The wood-rotted door creaked open on rusty hinges, the oppressive light of a bullseye lantern spilling through. It hurt her eyes terribly. It had been so long that she hadn't been able to see. 

...It had been so long without the warmth of a flame.

Seta had grown fat and bloated, her eyeless sockets staring in silent sadness at the two who entered. 

An elderly man wearing tattered robes dragged his limping body into the room. Underneath white, unkempt hair, he wrinkled his large, crooked nose and blinked with eyes, clouded white. He lifted up his lantern, inspecting the caged women on display.