
Excellent, the seal was successful. Now, the Warlock wouldn't be able to cast ⌈Eldritch Blast⌋ for--

Pyraxis collapsed and fell onto the cold, hard dungeon stone. 

Tycon pursed his lips, still wary for deception. It appeared he had killed his opponent outright. 

"...I should have brought the Librarian," Tycon lamented aloud... "Stars and stones, maybe I should have brought the cat."

"IVORY PRINNNNCE!!!" The Warlock reared up, standing on his knees. 

"Aaah!" Tycon stabbed the man in the chest. 

Die already, you useless old man!! 

The Warlock sat on his knees, head down, sword in his chest. He coughed more blood and phlegm, allowing his crimson life-force to drip down his chin. 

"I... I was young... once..." He muttered between sobs, "Sssso... full of hope...."

Quietly, Tycon began to sneak away... He... he needed to leave. A half-dead, naked woman was still waiting for him to return.