Intent to Kill (Part Two)

Tycondrius walked back down the stairs to stand on the same level as the young Athena Vanzano. 

"Now, I suppose you've some energy left, young lady."

Athena puffed up her cheeks, nodding hesitantly, "Y-yeah."

Tycon shivered. He did not like the cold, "Again, I'm rather uncomfortable with the temperature--"

"It's not my fault!!" Athena shouted, aggrieved. 

"--nor did I blame you. Please let me finish, young lady..." 

"Ehehe... S-sorry, Sir Tycon."

"What say you to a single concentrated attack?" Tycon offered. 

"Oh... okay. I can do that," Athena nodded. She allowed herself a tiny smile, apparently still excited to use her new abilities. 

Tycon walked to the center of the room's formation. He noted that parts of the walls were still frozen, the effects of her powerful ⌈Ice Beam⌋ spell not yet dissipated. He was planning on using that.