Efficient Tactics

"This plan is ridiculous," Victorius frowned. "It definitely doesn't sound like one of Tanamar's. What is Bannok thinking?"

Tycondrius took a deep breath to calm himself. There was no benefit in him arguing against the professional porter's complaints other than to feel intellectually superior. 

The fact would remain true, regardless of whether or not he flaunted it. 

"I'm goin' in!!" Tancred yelled, "Follow me!!"

⟬ Tancred Mors, Iron-Rank Human Reaver. Guild Stormbrand. ⟭ 

"Victorius," Tycon gestured. "Take care of Miss Athena."

"You got it, Sir Tycon," Victorius tried to immediately respond with a salute, wincing in pain, before withdrawing clumsily. 

Hm. Interesting. The results of the footman's training showed for a brief second. 

"Hold on! I'm coming!" Karodin yelled, trailing several steps behind Tancred. 

⟬ Karodin, Bronze-Rank Human Legionnaire. Guild Brazen Guard. ⟭