Golden Fortress

⟬ Frost Demon cave, several bells later. ⟭ 

The sleepy Archer knelt down, pricking one of the fallen Brazen Guard members with his hunting knife, "This one's dead too."

"We called for a retreat. Look at us! We're just fine! Har hurr hurr hurrr," Cleric Occam chuckled before he spat on the cold cavernous ground... "Pathetic."

"It looks like only our guys survived..." The Stormbrand Archer yawned, casually kicking the side of a different body, "Oh, this one moved just now. She can still be saved."

Occam swept his hands through his hair, "⌈Healing Touch⌋... What was that?" 

"Nevermind," The Archer shrugged. "Should we go back and get more guys? There's no way we're killing that demon on our own."

"No need!" Tancred called out, "I'm pretty sure I found the artifact."