Kill Switch

Kleitos had a weapon and Lone did not. One would think he was at a disadvantage.

Those people would be correct. 

But it wasn't a 100% advantage. It was more like a... a half advantage. Or a less-than-half advantage. 

The reason for this was that Lone had a secret weapon, a trump card-- something he'd been hiding that he was very good at. That would give him an advantage. That would cancel out Kleitos' advantage. 

So... what was really happening was Kleitos had a 0% advantage. 

Lone was a fighting genius. 

"It's gonna feel good putting my hard steel into your soft flesh!!" Kleitos yelled, lunging forward with a two-handed sword swing. 

Lone dodged the attack easily, using the momentum to fall onto his back, "Come at me, bro!!"

He pointed the soles of his bare feet at his opponent, ready for the next attack.

"Lord Ranger..." The scribe looked on with worry, "What are you doing?"

"Not now, Mister Scribe. I'm in a fight."