Taking Responsibility

**Content Warning: Sexual Activity**

Doe supported herself with her hands pressed onto Tychon's bare, muscled pecs. She wasn't wearing a single thing... and while Tychon only wore a very thin pair of shorts, it was the only thing between... 

Doe's heart was beating out of her chest. The heat in her face and cheeks had started to spread to her arms and chest, too. 

Her plan to not let Sir Tychon see her naked again had failed... spectacularly. All of her scars were plain to see, the starlight through the window like a beacon illuminating her nakedness. 

"Are you injured?" Tychon asked. Though his words showed some concern, he looked almost annoyed. 

Doe wanted to hit him so badly. Why was she the only one embarrassed? He was technically naked too! 

Two solid knocks on the door stopped her before she physically assaulted her boss's boss's boss. 

"You alright in there? Sir Tycon?" A muffled voice asked. 

"Yes, everything is--"