Cool and Calm

Parthenope tapped a finger to her chin as she stared at Athena's babyface. 

She had definitely changed a bit... personality-wise. She seemed more... mature.... cool and calm. Athena had always been a little... loud? But she was also quick to concede. She was so shy, that sometimes she'd literally run away when people tried to talk to her. 

Parthenope only grew close to Athena because she was both faster than the Vanzano was. And... when someone ran away, she wanted to chase them. Maybe it was her class, but Theno was always great at finding Athena's hiding spots, whether it was at the Academy or on either of their estates. 

Recently, little Athena had grown... in confidence. It seemed like it had something to do with the leave she took a few moons ago. 

Maybe she finally slept with her footman, Athanasius? Parthenope doubted that Athena initiated it... but maybe the silver-haired footman seduced her to bed. He did have those eyes...