Reasonable Expectations

Tycondrius quietly scrutinized the young Athena Vanzano. Her eyelids were swollen and her eyes were red... Most obviously, her teardrops had crystallized into small frozen droplets and were scattered about the inside of the carriage. 

Tycon narrowed his eyes to concerned squints... Why did Parthenope leave him alone with her? He was not good with children, especially ones with Athena's... condition. 

Was she hungry? ...No, lunch was only a bell prior. 

Injured? Also no. 

"...Would you like me to get footman Tanamar?" He offered. 

The silver-haired footman was generally useless... but Tycon had run out of ideas. Tanamar could probably... fix whatever Athena's issues were. 

...Unless he was the reason for whatever-this-concerned. Perhaps breaking the young man's arm for whatever he did would bring her joy? 

"Oh, no... It's nothing," Athena forced herself to smile... Another icy tear sparkled down her face, which she quickly wiped away.