Fruit Ninja Training

A handsome prince and a courageous maidservant stood atop a cliff overlooking Silva's white-sand beaches. 

Tycondrius sidestepped Doe's sloppy lunge, snatching her dagger-wielding wrist and pressing two fingers beneath her chin. If he had a weapon, her throat would be severed open, her crimson life force spilled upon the cliffside dirt. 

The girl's maid attire restricted her motions. A member of Sol Invictus, Kimura Taree, had worn a similar outfit, before... but its material was more elastic, allowing a freer range of movement. He considered offering to purchase a new set for the young lady... but then he recalled how expensive it was and decided against it. 

Doe smirked, brushing her short ash-blonde hair out of her eyes, "Are you going to kiss me, Sir Tychon?"

Tycon narrowed his gaze.