Chosen Path

Tycondrius sought to use Barza Keith, the Lone Shadowdark, as their lead scout with Raphael of Cannes as his second. 

The young Ranger seemed to have a predisposition for finding traps and mimics. He would serve well to keep the other members of Letalis safe from harm. He'd be fine, too, as long as he wasn't killed in a single attack. 

Raphael, a high-tier Bravo class, was skilled at weaving in and out of close combat with his pair of axes. He could keep himself alive. Failing that, his death could provide ample opportunity for the others to reassess the situation and possibly withdraw. 

Besides, Lone wielded his mimic-destroying hammer and had expressed his willingness and excitement to utilize it. 

"With the gods as my witness, I will break every single suspicious looking wooden thing we see," Lone seethed. "I don't even care."