
Lone entered the room... and almost immediately his form blurred... It was as if he had stepped into a murky cloud. 

No... it was more like a... thickened clear soup. 

Unperturbed, Lone slowly moved forward... his movement slowed, as if he were walking through a heavy syrup. Finally, he placed his hands in front of him, fingers pointed forward... then brought his arms to the side, propelling him a fulm or so. 

"Oh, no!" Athena exclaimed in worry, her hands retracted against her white-armored chest, "What's wrong with him, Sir Tycon?"

Tycon pursed his lips, "It appears he's stepped into a... transparent slime... perhaps a dungeon creature known as a Gelatinous Cube."

⟬ Gelatinous Cube, Bronze-Rank Ooze. ⟭ 

Lone floated helplessly inside of the cube, the creature's paralytic poison taking full effect. 

"[LEADER, SHALL I RESCUE HIM?]" Korr offered. 

Tycon glanced over to the worried Athena before addressing Korr, "Yes, please do."