
Iron golems had a few exploitable weaknesses that Tycondrius knew well. The constructs were incredibly resilient against normal spells. However, a shock of lightning magic would disrupt their internal formations, slow their functions, and lower their level of threat. Debilitated as such, they would be far easier to defeat by an adventuring team. 

However... Zenon Skyreaper defeated the construct with magic alone. 

Tycon surmised that Zenon's new crimson lightning skill was similar to Silver Pyromancer Photios' flames. The spell wasn't quite elemental in nature... instead, the effect was divine-- supernatural god-magic. 

Theories aside... the ability was certainly powerful. If Zenon could learn to harness that power reliably, he would be able to consistently challenge opponents above his rank. 

Lone approached Tycon with a troubled look on his face... 

"Boss... there's a weird gas coming out of the armor-thing."