
"Malik~" Ananta bowed politely, "You might be familiar with this male. His royal name is... Tycondrius."

Suka placed her hands against the side of her head-- "wat?" 

The Yuan-Ti's eyes narrowed, "The progeny of the Queen of Stone? ...I see."

Malik walked towards Tycon, back straight... his head and elongated neck swaying rhythmically to the sides. Did he not know how to walk? He looked ridiculous. 

"Ivory Prince, it's a pleasure to make your--"

"We're done here," Tycon grabbed the robed girl by the wrist and began to walk away. 

"We're wha? Huh? WahhHH??" Suka let out a high-pitched squeal, but obediently allowed herself to be dragged along. 

« System, cut the connection. »

Both Ananta's and Malik's avatars abruptly blinked out of existence. 

⟬ Connection terminated. ⟭ 

"Suka," Tycon turned, placing his hands on the girl's shoulders.