Half-Human Son

Quay knelt down at the half-elf child's opposite side, "Hey, hey... don't cry. Listen, Fortuna. We're going to need your help... to save as many people as we can. We need you to be a hero, right now."

The young girl nodded, wiping at her eyes with her soot-covered dress, "I... Alright."

Tycondrius breathed a sigh of relief... It was nice to have someone intelligent in their group that could deal with crying children. 

"Miss Fortuna, did you see any groups of people fighting against the Snake Cultists?"


⟬ Guard Tower. First Floor. ⟭ 

"Tyconnn!!" Quay moaned, "I cut my hand! Can I get a ⌈Heal⌋??"

"No," Tycon groaned. "My mana reserves are low and you're not that important."

"Is it 'cos I'm a mana-construct??" Quay cried. "Mana-constructs are people too!"

"Yes. And no, they are not."

"But it hurts!"