A City’s Treachery

Tycondrius gestured towards the injured man, "He belongs to an allied guild, Letalis Serpentis."

"Lethal serpent!" Quay exclaimed, "I LIKE IT!!"

"Redundant," Gobsuke commented. 

Dragan chuckled, "What a stupid name-- who thought of that?"

"I did," Tycon glared. 

"Ahaha HAHAHA!!" The crimson-haired Titanblood guffawed, holding his sides, "Y'can't dock my pay if I'm not REAL, BOSS!!!"

"Actually..." Tycon smirked, "Yes, yes I can."

"W-wait!" Dragan held his hands out, "That's not fair!! The other-me is a righteous guy that's always on his best behavior!!"

The members of Sol Invictus stared at the half-giant with doubt in their eyes.

"Aha... alright," Dragan chuckled. "Maybe he doesn't. But come on-- it was funny? Guys?"

Tycon walked over to the wounded man's side and lifted his visor, to inspect the man's wounds... they were recent, but the cuts were deep. He would not survive without supernatural assistance.