Heading Out

Malik pointed a shaky hand towards Tycondrius and the members of Sol Invictus, "A-ananta! I COMMAND you to... to DO something about that!!"

Ananta coiled up her lengthy body and bowed her head deferentially, "Ivory Prince..."

"Lady Ananta," Tycon nodded in acknowledgment. 

"Oh!" Ananta gasped, "And you've found my sssssister's... toysssss!! ...Is thattttt... PRINCE DROGHAN?! Oh, I LOVVVE Prince Droghan!"

"Hey there, pretty lady," Dragan waved, flashing a sparkling grin. 

Quay was pouting. Was he... jealous? 

Concerning recent events, the Ranger had easily gained the adoration of one of two females encountered. He should have been content with that. 

"ANANTA!!" Malik yelled, "Change the LAWS! IMMEDIATELY!!!" 

The Shadow Snake hissed indignantly, "Reversssal of the laws requires the Sssshadow Realm's full reimagination, Malik! Thissss one warned you as sssssuch!"

"Oho~?" Tycon grinned. "That's... quite interesting to hear."