Dining Hall

Coraline needed to eat. 

Often when she was working, she'd forget and end up passing out while reviewing documents or checking inventory. She always wondered if she'd overwork herself one sun and wake up dead. 

That's how poor Roland died. Poor, sweet Roland... 


She planted her face onto her pillow, searching desperately for the motivation to change out of her traveling outfit... 

...which was a pain, because she also had absolutely no one to impress. 

Also, she didn't own anything that even closely resembled a dinner gown. Everything nice she had, she'd sold off to reduce her carry weight and to help fund her travel. 

She'd change her tunic and put on a skirt, at least. She owed it to herself to eat a decent meal in clean clothing. 


Stepping out into the hallway, Captain Nikandros was making his way back towards both her and the dining hall.