Blades of the Forgotten King

"You're a lucky man, Mister Castiglioni!" Ramon roared, lifting his wine cup, "How about a toast?! To the finest Popoto I'll ever meet in this life!"

The toast was well received-- well enough that Coraline no longer had to worry about trying overmuch to avoid awkwardness. 

Lucrezia filled her husband's wine cup... thankfully, not too full. Even Lord Arod seemed to be infected by the mood, lifting his wine glass to toast the happy couple. 

It *was* Elven wine. That undoubtedly influenced the Ancient's willingness. 

Walking around the dining hall, he still stayed six fulms away from Mister Ramon, at all times. Even copious amounts of booze didn't patch up xenophobia so easily, it seemed. 

With glasses emptied, Giorgio blinked his drunken eyes as he gazed across the table... at the boisterous, red-skinned tiefling, "And you, Mister Ramon? If you could choose a woman to spend the rest of your suns with?"