The Hero She Deserved

"No, I did not," Tycon answered simply. 

"Whew..." Lone breathed a deep sigh of relief, "Just had to check..." 

Lone felt like he'd dodged a lethal attack. If Boss Tycon was the murderer that Coraline was looking for-- eh. He was just glad that wasn't the case. 

He tossed and turned in his bed, trying to get comfortable... "All that thinking's made me hungry..."

Lone saw movement out of the corner of his eyes. 

Boss threw things at him, an awful lot. It wasn't moving so fast that he had to use mana for it, though. 

He snatched the small package out of the air. 

Measuring its weight in its hand, he groaned, "Ugh... is this more soap, Boss?"

"Hah. No," Tycon chuckled. "It's your share of the Gann jerky we cured a few suns back." 

"Oh, thanks," Lone's heart warmed. 

He unbound the leather and took the thickest slice of jerky to munch on. The smoky-peppery flavor was perfect for satiating his hunger.