Legend of the Forgotten King

Baron Tychon, Mister Lone, and Mister Giorgio sat far off in the corner of the dining hall. 

The older Popoto had found a wooden case that unfolded into a game board for Petteia, and had taught the other two how to play. 

Over the past couple of bells, Coraline had picked up bits and pieces of their conversation... not that she meant to eavesdrop. She had Elven ears. She couldn't help it! 

It soon became apparent that young master Tychon was... exceptionally bad-- not just at Pettaia, but... every game they played. It seemed almost... out-of-character for that person. 

Coraline did gain some slightly vindictive amusement, seeing the noble throw a fit over something so... mundane. 

Across from the Baron, Mister Giorgio covered his mouth with his tiny hands, physically holding in his laughter... "You've only started playing this sun, young man. Pettaia deceptively complex! We can discuss strategies over bells and bells!"