Behind Closed Doors

Coraline did not like the way Mister Ramon mocked his guild member for falling in love. 

It was sweet! And as rough and somewhat violent as Mister Elladan was, it made her see him in a new light. 

"As if there's something wrong with that, Mister Ramon?" She pouted. 

"Ignore him," Tychon hmphed. "There's nothing wrong with a monogamous romantic relationship. I would prefer the same, concerning my own lady companion."

Coraline nodded in agreement... but she sighed in her heart. It was so difficult to fathom the young master's motives. He flip-flopped from speaking in support of her to actively opposing her to... reassuring her? 

Was he an ally or not? She wished he would make up his mind.

It worried her that the young master might have even murdered Master Highblade based on a fickle whim...