Let’s Get One

Coraline looked up in thought, "If... we had a Formation Mage... they might be able to craft a ritual to find the blades. Maybe we could even use Beatrice as a power source!"

"Alright!" Lone nodded confidently, "Let's get one, then?"

"Yeah... like that'll ever happen..." Coraline let out a deeply sarcastic sigh, rolling her eyes to accentuate Mister Lone's stupidity. 

"Wait, what? Why not?" Lone looked thoroughly confused. 

She shook her head, laughing derisively... "Formation Mages are absurdly rare! Even rarer than a Calculator... Maybe we can get a formation expert... but they'll be a different Class, for sure-- and a hundred-thousand times LESS effective. 

"And thus," Coraline gestured her hand in a circle, "even if we DID find that... they could take suns or even WEEKS to craft a unique ritual, Mister Lone." 

"I don't get--"

"We have barely HALF A SUN before the Golden Eagle lands!" She shouted.