Hero Summoning

"Of course not," Natalya glared as if Tycondrius was the idiot. "The faithful are here to bear witness to the Eternal Flame's greatness. The High Oracle doesn't perform rituals for just *anyone.* The last time she did was resurrecting the Hero of Passage."

Tycon grimaced... "You told me you can't resurrect worshippers of the Eternal Flame."

"Special circumstances," The woman pressed her finger against Tycon's cheek, turning him away. "And that person was trapped in the City of Iron."

"Very well..." Tycon rolled his eyes. 

Natalya was referring to one of the seven hells... It made sense, but he remained unhappy about it. 

Crossing his arms, Tycon watched the happenings on-stage. There were a number of Metal-Ranked Priestesses and Acolytes assisting the High Oracle with preparations. It was the largest collection of Iron-Rank casters he'd ever seen... and there were even two Gold-Ranks.