In His Father’s Footsteps

Sasha frowned, as if upset... "N-nothing is wrong with Pale."

Tycondrius felt his eye twitch, "Did you two... have a disagreement?"

The young lady shook her head. 

Tycon pursed his lips... "You dislike him."

"Not... exactly?"

How mysterious. Tycon poked at his daughter's cheek, "What is it, then?"

"He is... a flirt."

Tycon narrowed his eyes, "He's a what?"

Instead of answering, Sasha hid her face behind a thick book. 

Tycon let out a deep sigh. That his daughter was becoming more willful was not a problem he could fix. That Pale was a flirt like his father, Quay, was not surprising, but was something he'd need to watch out for. 

He did find it peculiar that he hadn't noticed it... but he trusted Sasha's opinion over his own. She was exceptionally sensitive to people and their natures. 

Anyroad, it was fine that she stayed away from boys.