You Were My Brother

"Hey, what's the deal, Lone?" Edge whispered, "You in trouble? We were s'pposed to split after last night?"

"Yeah," Lone dropped off of his rock and straightened his back, "There's trouble..."

His hand itched... and his heart pounded in his chest. Everything he was about to do was dangerous... and he hated being forced to do it. 

"Talk to me, Lone," There was a tinge of panic in Edge's voice, "And who's that old man? This is weird, even for you, guy!"

Lone gulped hard, leaving a lump stuck in his throat, "Simon's here to row your body out to sea."

He drew his blade... the Shatterspike longsword. 

Edge's eyes widened, his pupils shrinking to tiny black balls... "What the hells do you think you're doin', Lone? This isn't funny."

"It's you... or both of us," Lone grimaced. "I'm sorry."

Edge clenched his teeth... "Is that you, Lone? Did you lose control?"

"I haven't," Lone shook his head... "This is my choice."