Snakes on an Airship

⟬ Several moons later. ⟭ 

Tycondrius leaned over the bow of the Endurance. The airship had recently lifted off from the air docks at Cersei's Rest and they were en route to Rixus. 

Below, the Dawnbringer was stomping across the Basilica grounds, going from building to building and peering into the various windows. Tycon could imagine the shrieks of surprise from the various Tyrion faithful. 

The High Oracle was the only person in Tyrion capable of piloting the 60-fulm tall suit of armor. She was searching for something. 

And that something was probably on his airship. 

Tycon turned to a conspicuous-looking barrel, "Pale... did you remember to tell Troia that you were leaving?"

The boy peeked out, the barrel lid resting atop his head, "Um. I... forgot to?"

Tycon granted his young companion a polite smile, "Are you well young man? You're not feeling nauseous, are you?"