Old Sage

"Filthy elf-bloods... we should just execute the lot of them," The Decanus turned his head and spat. 

It landed beside Scarmother Talon's feet. 

Talon narrowed her eyes, "Don't be so quick to judge. We Tyrions have a sworn duty to punish the wicked-- not to slaughter the innocent."

"But Scarmother?" The man frowned, puffing out his chest like a petulant child, "This one's obviously a Witch!"

"Flame take it, man," Talon shook her head. She pointed at an Armored Champion, "You there. Take this fish and give him 20 lashes for insubordination."

"Yes, Scarmother!" The gentleman drew his sword and moved forward. He gripped the first Decanus by the elbow and whispered some choice phrases into his ear. Finally realizing his disrespect, the idiot kept his mouth shut as he was escorted away.