Reason to Fight

No matter what happened, Ariadne loved Bannok with all her heart. She'd do anything to get him back... even cooperate with a snake. 

"I think it's a good idea..."

"Say wha?" Her fool husband furrowed his brows. 

"You heard me, hon!" Ariadne glared, "You've been in a rut, there's no denyin' that... An' if the Tactician's got a way ta put you back on the saddle, I think he's worth a talkin' to."

"Of all the--" Bannok turned away, as he started to curse up a storm in the old language. 

"Caeruleum," Tycon declared.

"Those scum-sucking bastards that assigned us that Flame-taken quest in the first place..." Bannok spat, "What about 'em?"

"I'm going to burn the city down," The Tactician turned away... and just like that, he walked out of the door. 

Pale looked confused... as if he wasn't sure whether to follow his leader or not. 

"Um... Sir?" He asked. 

"Whaddya want, kid?" Bannok grimaced.