Blade of the Wolf

Tycondrius looked over to the tent entrance, "Warrior Cillian is..."

"He's from the Free Nation," Zenon answered. "He's acting as an assistant to Quartermaster Sorina."

"Ah, very well," Tycon nodded. "One of Prince Dragan's men from Vralkek, then..."

The command tent was built for Tyrion humans of regulation height. 

Zenon Skyreaper was not that, towering over Tycon at over 6-fulms tall. Thus, he had to watch his head in many Tyrion structures, the command tent included. 

From the shadowy outline of Warrior Cillian outside, however, he stood two heads taller than the Librarian. He was a Titanblood, like Dragan-- and admittedly was of only average height. 

"Permission to enter granted, Warrior!" Tycon called out. 

Cillian crouched down dramatically, nearly having to crawl in, "Good evening, gent..."

The large, but youthful man hesitated... and with a broad grimace, he stared at the tent corner.