Snake God

"...Eh?" Cass tilted her head... "Wh... what?"

"When I looked outside earlier," Tycondrius gestured behind him, "There were no people in the streets."

Cass immediately rolled out of bed onto her feet and dashed to the balcony, "What the-- what's going on?! Where is everyone?!?"

It sounded like she was going to cry... again. 

Tycon slowed his speech and softened his tone, hoping not to agitate her. 

"Don't be alarmed, dear sister... but you and Atusa... you may be mana-constructs in a Reality Marble."

Cass turned, her face twisted in confusion, "B-but why?! Why would someone trap you in a-- WAIT! WHY ME?!?"

"Because this," Tycon stood up and gestured to his surroundings, "is my dream. I want my quest to be complete. I want to be done with it all. 

"No more trying to relive the glories of my past... with allies that pale in comparison to the old members of Sol Invictus.