Last Samurai (Part One)

Tycondrius let out a sigh as he glared down at the broken god. 

...Some of his more critical wounds were beginning to heal.

He was tempted to test the veracity of Zehr's claims... that the god could not be killed by one of his 'followers'. Instinctively, however... Tycon felt that it was true. 

"I'm assuming... you're going to try to kill me as soon as you recover?"

"I will... but when you least expect it," Zehr chuckled-- though his voice grew hoarse and he let out a hacking cough...

"Or... or that's the idea, anyroad..." He muttered. "Might be tomorrow. Might be half-a-century from now. Remain ever vigilant for the enemies that lie wait, Tycondrius... as I hope all my faithful do."

Tycon inhaled deeply through his nostrils... "You're an infuriating god, you know that?" 

"Ahaha... I'm just trying to do what's best... for our people."

"For yourself, first, of course."

"Of course... Of course, Ivory Prince..."