What Remained

Humans had taken over this Realm. 

Naught more than a disease... a blight. 


Breeding... out of control... a gods-damned infestation of tiny creatures-- all acting as one.

They reminded Revek Rexeris of... the insects... parasites borne of an infected wound... causing fever... sickness... 

Tiny... insignificant things... capable of weakening the wings of the strong... and binding them to walk the earth. 

Humans... they were filthy creatures that tamed the lands out of laziness... domesticating animals to grow fat off their meat... using alchemy to drink poisons for pleasure. 

Consuming all... until each were fat, weak mockeries of their ancestors. 

And humans... were responsible for his downfall... 


Revek Rexeris.

For years... epochs... centuries... 

He would kill.

He would sleep.

Then he would wake, again.